Кавказский энтомологический бюллетень 15(1): 127–130 © Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 2019
1Russian Entomological Society, Krasnodar, Russia. E-mail: miroshnikov-ai@yandex.ru
2Sochi National Park, Moskovskaya str., 21, Sochi, Krasnodar Region 354002 Russia
1Русское энтомологическое общество, Краснодар, Россия
2Сочинский национальный парк, ул. Московская, 21, Сочи, Краснодарский край 354002 Россия
Key words: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Iphiothe, review, new species, new synonymy, new combination. Ключевые слова: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Iphiothe, обзор, новый вид, новая синонимия, новая комбинация.
Abstract. A brief review of the genus Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866, as well as a key to its species are given. A new species,
I. malaccensis sp. n., is described from Western Malaysia. All records of I. criopsioides Pascoe, 1866 from the Malay Peninsula are thereby noted to actually concern this new taxon. The following new synonymy and new combination are established: Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866 = Mimepaphra Breuning, 1976, syn. n., Iphiothe borneana (Breuning, 1976), comb. n.
Резюме. Представлен краткий обзор рода Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866. Дана таблица для определения его видов. Описан новый вид I. malaccensis sp. n. из Западной Малайзии. Все указания I. criopsioides Pascoe, 1866 с полуострова Малакка должны быть отнесены на счет этого нового таксона. Установлены следующие новая синонимия и новая комбинация: Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866 =
= Mimepaphra Breuning, 1976, syn. n., Iphiothe borneana
(Breuning, 1976), comb. n.
The genus Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866 has hitherto remained monotypic and included only the type species
I. criopsioides Pascoe, 1866, described from Borneo [Pascoe, 1866; Lacordaire, 1872; Gemminger, 1873; Aurivillius, 1921; Breuning, 1963; Polaszek, Earl of Cranbrook, 2006; Heffern, 2013]. Gahan [1906] recorded this species also from Western Malaysia and Sumatra.
The present paper shows that the Malacca specimens of Iphiothe actually belong to a new species described below. Besides this, a new synonym, Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866 = Mimepaphra Breuning, 1976, syn. n., and a new combination, Iphiothe borneana (Breuning, 1976), comb. n., are established.
Research Article / Научная статья
DOI: 10.23885/181433262019151-127130
Thus, the genus Iphiothe presently encompasses three species, all considered below.
The material treated in this work belongs to the following institutional and private collections:
BMNH – Natural History Museum (London, United Kingdom);
IRSN – Institut Royal de Sciences naturelles de Belgique (Bruxelles);
cAM – collection of Alexandr Miroshnikov (Krasnodar, Russia).
Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866: 254. Lacordaire, 1872: 451;
Gemminger, 1873: 3059; Aurivillius, 1921: 211; Breuning, 1963:
491; Polaszek, Earl of Cranbrook, 2006: 443; Heffern, 2013: 57.
Mimepaphra Breuning, 1976 (the genus includes a single species, M. borneana Breuning, 1976), syn. n.
Type species: Iphiothe criopsioides Pascoe, 1866, by monotypy.
Iphiothe criopsioides Pascoe, 1866
(Color plate 9: 1–4; Color plate 10: 14, 15, Figs 18, 19)
Iphiothe criopsioides Pascoe, 1866: 255 (type locality: [Malaysia] Sarawak (according to the original description and the label of the holotype)). Lacordaire, 1872: 451 (Borneo) (“mâle”, mistakenly); Gemminger, 1873: 3059 (Borneo); Gahan, 1906:
119 (partim, Borneo, Sumatra: Merang); Aurivillius, 1921: 211 (partim, Borneo, Sumatra); Polaszek, Earl of Cranbrook, 2006: 443 (Sarawak).
Iphiothe criopsoides (misspelling): Breuning, 1963: 491 (partim, Borneo, Sumatra); Heffern, 2013: 57 (partim, Borneo, Sumatra).
Material. 1♀, holotype (BMNH) (Color plate 9: 1), “Sar[awak]. 1233”,
“Pascoe Coll. 93–60”, “Iphiothe criopsioides”, “Iphiothe criopsioides Pasc.”,
128 A.I. Miroshnikov
“Type” (Color plate 9: 2); 1♀ (BMNH) (Color plate 9: 3), “Sumatra, Merang”, “Doherty”, “Iphiothe criopsioides Pasc.”, “Data unreliable. See Brit. Mus. 1949–314.” (Color plate 9: 4); 1♀ (photograph).
13.3 mm, humeral width 5.3–5.6 mm, thereby holotype largest.
Pronotum distinctly transverse, 1.2, 1.18 or 1.13 times as wide as long in holotype, female from Sabah and Sumatran female, respectively.
Iphiothe borneana (Breuning, 1976), comb. n.
(Color plate 10: 8–13; Figs 21, 23, 24, 28–30)
Mimepaphra borneana Breuning, 1976: 101 (type locality: Borneo, Pontianak (according to the original description and the label of the holotype)). Breuning, 1978: 6; Heffern, 2013: 57.
Material. 1♂, holotype (IRSN) (Color plate 10: 8), “Bornéo Occ.
Pontianak”, “Mimepaphra borneana mihi Typ. Breuning det.”, “Holotype”, “Borneo / Coll.R. I. Sc. N. B.” (Color plate 10: 11); 1♂, paratype (IRSN) (Color plate 10: 9), “Bornéo Occ. Pontianak”, “Mimepaphra borneana mihi Paratyp. Breuning det.”, “Borneo / Coll.R. I. Sc. N. B.” (Color plate 10: 12); 1♀, paratype (IRSN) (Color plate 10: 10), same labels (Color plate 10: 13).
Length ratio of antennomeres 3–5 in male, 78 : 45 : 39
(holotype) or 77 : 46 : 37 (paratype).
Pronotum 1.04–1.16 or 1.14 times as wide as long in male and female, respectively.
Male genitalia as in Figs 28–30; tegmen (without apical setae), penis and tergite 8 (without apical setae) about 1.8,
1.9 or 0.75 mm in length, respectively (when the length of male body 11.5 mm, see above).
Iphiothe malaccensis Miroshnikov, sp. n.
(Color plate 9: 5–7; Color plate 10: 16–17; Figs 20, 22)
Iphiothe criopsioides: Gahan, 1906: 110, 119 (partim, Malay Peninsula, Selangor, Bukit Kutu) (non Pascoe, 1866); Aurivillius, 1921: 211 (partim, Malacca) (non Pascoe, 1866).
Iphiothe criopsoides (misspelling): Breuning, 1963: 491 [partim, “Malaisie” (= Western Malaysia)] (non Pascoe, 1866); Heffern, 2013: 57 (partim, Western Malaysia) (non Pascoe, 1866).
Material. Holotype, ♂ (BMNH) (Color plate 9: 5): “[W Malaysia]
Selangor. Bukit Kutu, H.C. Robinson. 3.500ʼ, 1904–327” (upperside), “12–24/VII/[19]04”(underside), “4/2007” (Color plate 9: 6). Paratype: 1♀ (cAM) (Color plate 9: 7), W Malaysia, Pahang, Bukit Fraser (= Fraserʼs Hill), 3°43’N / 101°44’E, 1000–1300 m, 1–13.05.2007 (leg. V. Tuzov).
I. criopsioides and I. borneana comb. n., but differs clearly from both. In I. malaccensis sp. n., compared to the former species, the body is more slender, as in Color plate 9: 5, 7 (cf. Color plate 9: 1, 3), the pronotum is less strongly transverse and less strongly narrowed from base towards
apex, as in Color plate 10: 16, 17 (cf. Color plate 10: 14, 15), antennomere 3 is less strongly curved dorsoventrally, being thicker in the basal part, as in Figs 20, 22 (cf. Figs 18, 19). In contrast, the new species differs from the second congener by antennomere 3 being more strongly curved dorsoventrally, as in Figs 20, 22 (cf. Figs 21, 23, 24), as well as by the length ratio of the antennomeres 3–5 in the male, as in Color plate 9: 5 (cf. Color plate 9: 8, 9), the elytral spots of light, dense, recumbent setae being more clearly expressed against the general background, as in Color plate 9: 5, 7 (cf. Color plate 9: 8–10), the structure of the male genitalia, including the clearly larger sizes relative to body size, as in Figs 25–27 (cf. Figs 28–30).
4.6–4.8 mm, thereby holotype smallest. Coloration of integument mainly combines black and dark brown tones; head ventrally partly and legs red; antennomere 3, mesosternum and coxae can also be partly red and red-brown; basal part of antennomere 4 reddish yellow, subsequent antennomeres brownish to brown.
Head, predominantly dorsally and laterally, with a rough, partly heterogeneous, in places dense puncturation; frons longitudinal, barely convex or flat; eyes with a very well-developed emargination, weakly convex, with relatively small ocelli; genae long; antennae of peculiar structure like in other congeners, with a most robust, longest and distinctly curved antennomere 3, in male very clearly longer than body, reaching beyond apex of elytra by antennomere 7, in female clearly not reaching the apex of elytra; length ratio of antennomeres 1–11 in male, 48 : 8 : 75 : 40 : 30 : 26 :
24 : 21 : 18 : 17 : 23, in female, 48 : 6 : 60 : 25 : 19 : 16 : 15 : 13 : 12 :
11 : 17; antennomere 2 subequal in length and width or distinctly transverse in male and female, respectively; antennomere 3 of male, 1.07 times as long as antennomeres 4 and 5 combined (on the contrary, in male of I. borneana comb. n., antennomeres 4 and 5 combined 1.08 times as long as antennomere 3).
Pronotum barely transverse, 1.08 or 1.05 times as wide as long in male and female, respectively; at base slightly wider than at apex (while in I. criopsioides, at base very clearly wider than at apex); with rough, relatively uniform, moderately dense punctures.
Scutellum rounded apically.
Elytra in male clearly narrowed towards apex, in female predominantly about parallel-sided starting from base; 1.67–
1.76 times as long as humeral width; with a coarse, relatively uniform puncturation gradually decreasing from base towards apex and partly hidden by a dense setation; at apex truncate and, besides this, with a shallow emargination; apical external angle obtuse, sutural angle almost right or narrowly rounded.
Prosternum with a smoothened sculpture; prosternal process strongly, but uniformly curved, strongly expanded at apex; mesosternal process about twice as wide as prosternal process between coxae, with a strong tubercle; metasternum and sternites with a gentle dense puncturation; metasternum with a distinct, but not too sharp median groove; last (visible) sternite in male widely rounded apically, in female truncate, but in addition, distinctly emarginate in the middle;
Legs moderately long, robust; femora claviform, especially so metafemora; metatibia distinctly or slightly curved in male and female, respectively.
Recumbent setation especially like in I. criopsioides, one way or another spotty, except for antennomeres 4–11 and tarsi, as in Color plate 9: 5, 7, thereby yellow spots on elytra, at least in their apical quarter, clearly larger than those of I. criopsioides (cf. Color plate 9: 1, 3).
Male genitalia as in Figs 25–27; tegmen (without apical setae), penis and tergite 8 (without apical setae) about 2.7, 2.3 or 0.95 mm in length, respectively (when the length of male body 11.6 mm, see above; see also the relevant measurements in
I. borneana comb. n.).
Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866 Color plate 9
Figs 1–7. Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866, habitus, dorsal view, and labels.
1–4 – I. criopsioides Pascoe, 1866; 5–7 – I. malaccensis sp. n.; 1–2, 5–6 – holotypes; 7 – paratype; 1, 3, 7 – females; 5 – male. Рис. 1–7. Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866, общий вид сверху и этикетки.
1–4 – I. criopsioides Pascoe, 1866; 5–7 – I. malaccensis sp. n.; 1–2, 5–6 – голотипы; 7 – паратип; 1, 3, 7 – самки; 5 – самец.
Color plate 10 Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866
Figs 8–17. Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866, habitus, dorsal view, pronotum and labels.
8–13 – I. borneana (Breuning, 1976), comb. n.; 14–15 – I. criopsioides Pascoe, 1866 ; 16–17 – I. malaccensis sp. n.; 8, 11, 14, 17 – holotypes; 9–10,
12–13, 16 – paratypes; 8–9, 17 – males; 10, 14–16 – females.
Рис. 8–17. Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866, общий вид сверху, переднеспинка и этикетки.
8–13 – I. borneana (Breuning, 1976), comb. n.; 14–15 – I. criopsioides Pascoe, 1866 ; 16–17 – I. malaccensis sp. n.; 8, 11, 14, 17 – голотипы; 9–10,
12–13, 16 – паратипы; 8–9, 17 – самцы; 10, 14–16 – самки.
Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866 129
Figs 18–30. Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866, antennomeres 2–3, lateral view, and male genitalia.
18–19 – I. criopsioides Pascoe, 1866; 20, 22, 25–27 – I. malaccensis sp. n.; 21, 23–24, 28–30 – I. borneana (Breuning, 1976), comb. n.; 18, 22–23,
25–30 – holotypes; 20–21, 24 – paratypes; 18–21 – females; 22–24 – males; 25, 28 – tegmen, ventral view; 26, 29 – tergite 8, dorsal view; 27, 30 – apical half of penis, ventral view. Scale bar 10 mm (for Figs 25–30).
Рис. 18–30. Iphiothe Pascoe, 1866, 2–3-й членики усиков сбоку и гениталии самца.
18–19 – I. criopsioides Pascoe, 1866; 20, 22, 25–27 – I. malaccensis sp. n.; 21, 23–24, 28–30 – I. borneana (Breuning, 1976), comb. n.; 18, 22–23,
25–30 – голотипы; 20–21, 24 – паратипы; 18–21 – самки; 22–24 – самцы; 25, 28 – тегмен снизу; 26, 29 – 8-й тергит сверху; 27, 30 – вершинная половина пениса снизу. Масштабная линейка 10 мм (для рис. 25–30).
130 A.I. Miroshnikov
Key to species of Iphiothe
Antennomere 3 clearly or very clearly curved dorsoventrally, as in Figs 18–20, 22; elytra with a more dense recumbent setation, more strongly hiding their puncturation, as in Color plate 9: 1, 3, 5, 7 2
Antennomere 3 very weakly curved dorsoventrally, as in Figs 21, 23, 24; elytra with a less dense recumbent setation, less strongly hiding their puncturation, as in Color plate 10: 8–10 ...................... I. borneana comb. n.
Body, at least in female, more robust, as in Color plate 9: 1, 3; pronotum, at least in female, distinctly transverse and more strongly narrowed from base towards apex, as in Color plate 10: 14, 15; antennomere 3 more strongly curved dorsoventrally and thinner in basal part, as in Figs 18, 19 .....................
........................................................................ I. criopsioides
Body more slender, as in Color plate 9: 5, 7; pronotum barely transverse and less strongly narrowed from base towards apex, as in Color plate 10: 16, 17; antennomere 3 less strongly curved dorsoventrally and thicker in basal part, as in Figs 20, 22 ...................
............................................................. I. malaccensis sp. n.
I am very grateful to Maxwell V.L. Barclay (BMNH) and Alain Drumont (IRSN) for the opportunity to study the museum material. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Kirill V. Makarov (Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russia) for having rendered his great help in the preparation of many photographs. My special thanks are
due to my wife Tatiana Miroshnikova who helped a lot in the preparation of the illustrations for publication.
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Received / Поступила: 28.05.2019 Accepted / Принята: 25.06.2019