Кавказский энтомол. бюллетень 14(Suppl.): 17–27 © CAUCASIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL BULL. 2018
Университет Менделя, факультет зоологии, рыболовства, гидробиологии и пчеловодства, Zemědělská, 1, Брно CZ-613 00 Чешская Республика
Key words: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, taxonomy, new combination, new synonymy, lectotype designation, new country records, West Palaearctic region, Mediterranean.
Ключевые слова: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, таксономия, новые комбинции, новая синонимия, обозначение лектотипа, новые указания, Западная Палеарктика, Средиземноморье.
Abstract. Based on the study of primary type material, the following taxonomic changes in West Palaearctic Chrysomelidae are proposed: Chilotomina moroderi moroderi (Escalera, 1928) = Gynandrophthalma moroderi Cobos, 1969, syn. n.; Cryptocephalus (Burlinius) macellus Suffrian, 1860 = C. zantensis Pic, 1953, syn. n.; Chrysolina (Bittotaenia) salviae (Sahlberg, 1823) = Chrysomela salviae Germar, 1823, syn. n.; Timarcha geniculata (Sahlberg, 1823) = Chrysomela geniculata Germar, 1823, syn. n.; Calomicrus lividus (Joannis, 1865) = Calomicrus trabzonus Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013, syn. n.; Euluperus azureus (Fairmaire, 1884), comb. n. (from Calomicrus) = Euluperus hermonensis Lopatin, 1997, syn. n.; Euluperus nairicus (Lopatin, 1990), comb. n. (from Calomicrus); Exosoma gaudionis (Reiche, 1862) = Exosoma thoracica var. grossepunctata Roubal, 1931, syn. n.; Exosoma lusitanicum (Linnaeus, 1767) = Malacosoma theryi Guillebeau, 1897, syn. n.; Monolepta syriaca (Weise, 1924), comb. n. (from Calomicrus) = Calomicrus volkovitshi Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013, syn. n.; Theone silphoides silphoides (Sahlberg, 1823) = Galleruca silphoides Dalman, 1823, syn. n.; Derocrepis rufipes (Linnaeus, 1758) = Chrysomela caeruleostriata DeGeer, 1775, syn. n. Moreover, Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica Frivaldszky, 1883 is confirmed as synonym of Smaragdina salicina (Scopoli, 1763) and Chrysomela plantaginis DeGeer, 1775 is confirmed as synonym of Phaedon armoraciae (Linnaeus, 1758). It is shown that Carolus Reginald Sahlberg published the oldest descriptions of Chrysolina salviae (Germar, 1823), Timarcha geniculata (Germar, 1823) and Theone silphoides silphoides (Dalman, 1823) and the authorship of these species is changed. Lectotypes are designated for
DOI: 10.23885/18143326201814S1727
Luperus azureus Fairmaire, 1884 and Luperus brevicollis Weise, 1898. New country records for West Palaearctic Chrysomelidae (with special regards to Mediterranean fauna) are presented.
Резюме. На основании изучения типового материала предложены следующие таксономические изменения для западнопалеарктических Chrysomelidae: Chilotomina moroderi moroderi (Escalera, 1928) =
= Gynandrophthalma moroderi Cobos, 1969, syn. n.;
Cryptocephalus (Burlinius) macellus Suffrian, 1860 =
= C. zantensis Pic, 1953, syn. n.; Chrysolina (Bittotaenia) salviae (Sahlberg, 1823) = Chrysomela salviae Germar, 1823, syn. n.; Timarcha geniculata (Sahlberg, 1823) =
= Chrysomela geniculata Germar, 1823, syn. n.; Calomicrus lividus (Joannis, 1865) = Calomicrus trabzonus Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013, syn. n.; Euluperus azureus (Fairmaire, 1884), comb. n. (from Calomicrus) = Euluperus hermonensis Lopatin, 1997, syn. n.; Euluperus nairicus (Lopatin, 1990), comb. n. (from Calomicrus); Exosoma gaudionis (Reiche, 1862) = Exosoma thoracica var. grossepunctata Roubal, 1931, syn. n.; Exosoma lusitanicum (Linnaeus, 1767) = Malacosoma theryi Guillebeau, 1897, syn. n.; Monolepta syriaca (Weise, 1924), comb. n. (from Calomicrus) = Calomicrus volkovitshi Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013, syn. n.; Theone silphoides silphoides (Sahlberg, 1823) = Galleruca silphoides Dalman, 1823, syn. n.; Derocrepis rufipes (Linnaeus, 1758) = Chrysomela caeruleostriata DeGeer, 1775, syn. n. Подтверждена синонимия названий Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica Frivaldszky, 1883 и Smaragdina salicina (Scopoli, 1763), Chrysomela plantaginis DeGeer, 1775 и Phaedon armoraciae (Linnaeus, 1758). Показано, что Карл
Рейнгольд Сальберг опубликовал старейшие описания видов Chrysolina salviae (Germar, 1823), Timarcha geniculata (Germar, 1823) и Theone silphoides silphoides (Dalman, 1823), поэтому авторство этих таксонов было изменено на С. Sahlberg. Обозначены лектотипы Luperus azureus Fairmaire, 1884 и Luperus brevicollis Weise, 1898. Представлены новые указания и находки западнопалеарктических Chrysomelidae для различных стран (с особым вниманием к средиземноморской фауне).
An ongoing longterm study of the primary type material of Old World Chrysomelidae revealed to some nomenclatorial changes in the West Palaearctic (particularly Mediterranean) taxa summarized in the present paper. In connection with the preparation of the new edition of the Palaearctic catalogue of Chrysomelidae, I present also some new country records of West Palaearctic Chrysomelidae.
Photographs of the specimens (except that of Chrysomela caeruleo-striata DeGeer, 1775 provided by NHRS) were taken with Canon EOS 550D digital camera with Canon MP-E 65 mm objective. Images of the same specimen at different focal planes were combined using Helicon Focus 5.3 software.
The examined material is housed in the following collections:
HNHM – Hungarian Natural History Museum (Budapest, Hungary, Ottó Merkl);
JBCB – Jan Bezděk collection (Brno, Czech Republic);
MNHN – Museum National d’Histoire naturelle (Paris, France, Antoine Mantilleri);
NHRS – Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet (Stockholm, Sweden, Johannes Bergsten);
OKCZ – Ondřej Konvička collection (Zlín, Czech Republic);
SNMC – Slovenské Národné Múzeum (Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Vladimír Janský);
TSCO – Tomáš Sitek collection (Ostrava, Czech Republic);
ZIN – Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St Petersburg, Russia, Alexey G. Moseyko);
ZMHB – Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt- Universität (Berlin, Germany, Johannes Frisch, Joachim Willers).
The exact label data are cited for all type specimens. Type localities are cited in the original spelling. Other comments and remarks: p – preceding data are printed, h – preceding data are handwritten, w – white label, r – red label, y – yellow label.
Chilotomina moroderi moroderi (Escalera, 1928)
Gynandrophthalma moroderi Escalera, 1928: 432.
Gynandrophthalma moroderi Cobos, 1969: 73, syn. n.
Type localities. Gynandrophthalma moroderi Escalera: not stated. Gynandrophthalma moroderi Cobos: “Tetica de Bacares, en Sierra de Filabres, provincia de Almería”.
Type material. Not examined.
Comments. In many European institutional collections the Reitter’s specimens labelled as type specimens of Gynandrophthalma moroderi can be found. However, Reitter never described such taxon and the authorship is assigned to Escalera [1928] who first gave its characters in the differential diagnosis of his newly described Gynandrophthalma alcarriense Escalera, 1928. Cobos [1961], who was still assigning Gynandrophthalma moroderi to Reitter, described Gynandrophthalma moroderi bacarescensis Cobos, 1961. Some years later, Cobos [1969] found that Reitter’s description does not exist and formally described Gynandrophthalma moroderi. Because Cobos’ [1969] Gynandrophthalma moroderi was based on concrete type specimens and the intention to described new species is clearly showed using “nov. sp.”, I formally synonymize here it with Escalera’s Gynandrophthalma moroderi. Recently, the species is classified in the genus Chilotomina Reitter, 1913 [e.g. Warchałowski, 2000, 2003, 2010; Regalin,
Medvedev, 2010].
Smaragdina salicina (Scopoli, 1763) (Fig. 7)
Buprestis salicina Scopoli, 1763: 65.
Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica Frivaldszky, 1883: 14,
For full list of synonyms see Regalin, Medvedev [2010].
Type localities: Buprestis salicina: “Carniolia” (based on title); Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica: “Transsylvania”.
Type material. Buprestis salicina: Not examined.
Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica: syntypes: 1♂ (HNHM),“Erdély” [= Transsylvania] (w, h), “Holotypus [red letters, p] 1883 Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica J. Frivaldszky [w, h]”, “Transsylvanica Friv.” (w, h); 1♂, 1♀ (HNHM),“Erdély” [= Transsylvania] (w, h), “Paratypus [red letters, p] 1883 Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica J. Frivaldszky” (w, h), “Transsylvanica Friv.” (w, h).
Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica was synonymized with Smaragdina salicina by Kaszab [1962]. Regalin and Medvedev [2010] also catalogued G. transsylvanica in synonymy with S. salicina but marked as doubtful assignement. I examined three syntypes of G. transsylvanica (Fig. 7) and I confirm it as synonym of S. salicina. The syntypes are covered with slight artificial sheen what probably led Frivaldszky to describe it as a new species.
Cryptocephalus (Burlinius) macellus Suffrian, 1860 (Fig. 8)
Cryptocephalus macellus Suffrian, 1860: 53.
Cryptocephalus zantensis Pic, 1953: 14, syn. n.
Type localities: Cryptocephalus macellus: “Rhodus; Creta; Attika”; Cryptocephalus zantensis: “Zante” (= Zakynthos).
Type material. Cryptocephalus macellus: not examined.
Cryptocephalus zantensis: syntypes: 1♀ (MNHN), “Zante” (w, h), “type” (w, h), “zantensis n sp” (w, h), “TYPE” (r, p); 1♀ (MNHN), “Zante”
(w, h), “Co-type” (w, h), “TYPE” (r, p); 1♂ (MNHN), “Zante” (w, h), “dessus
foncé ... [partly illegible]” (w, h), “sp pres macellus Suffr” (w, h), “TYPE” (r, p).
Comments. After the description [Pic, 1953], Cryptocephalus zantensis was not mentioned in any subsequent publications on Cryptocephalinae. I examined three syntypes deposited in MNHN (1 male, 2 females) (Fig. 8). The aedeagus was dissected and without any doubts it is identical with aedeagus of widely distributed
C. macellus. Consequently, C. zantensis is proposed as new synonym of C. macellus.
Chrysolina (Bittotaenia) salviae (С. Sahlberg, 1823), authorship changed
Chrysomela salviae С. Sahlberg, 1823b: 76.
Chrysomela salviae Germar, 1823: 586, syn. n.
Type localities: Chrysomela salviae С. Sahlberg: “Dalmatia”; Chrysomela salviae Germar: “Illyria”.
Type material. Not examined.
Comments. Throughout the entomological literature the authorship of Chrysolina salviae is attributed Germar with year of description 1824 [e.g. Gemminger, Harold, 1874; Weise, 1916; Kippenberg, 2010]. Despite the title page of Germar’s book is dated 1824, the book was published in October 1823 [Bousquet, 2016].
During my visit of NHRS I discovered that the description of Chrysolina salviae was several times published by Carolus Reginald Sahlberg. The oldest description of Chrysomela salviae can be found in the fifth part of Dissertation theses published 16 June 1823 [Sahlberg, 1823b]. The description can be found also in reissued theses cummulated to one book without dissertation titles [Sahlberg, 1823c]. The exact date of this book is not known and for taxonomical purpose must be treated to 31 December 1823. Finally, the description was published in “Entomologisches Archiv” [Sahlberg, 1829]. The priority of authorship must be given to Sahlberg [1823b].
For the first time the species name was used as nomen nudum in the catalogue of Dejean [1821: 122]. When compared both descriptions by Sahlberg [1823b] and Germar [1823] it seems to me evident that both authors described this species independently. As result I treat Ch. salviae С. Sahlberg, 1823 as valid species and Ch. salviae Germar, 1823 as its new synonym and primary homonym.
Figs 1–6. Euluperus, aedeagi.
1–3 – Euluperus azureus (Fairmaire, 1884); 4–6 – Euluperus nairicus (Lopatin, 1990). 1, 4 – dorsal view; 2, 5 – lateral view, 3, 6 – ventral view. Scale
bars 0.5 mm.
Рис. 1–6. Euluperus, эдеагусы.
1–3 – Euluperus azureus (Fairmaire, 1884); 4–6 – Euluperus nairicus (Lopatin, 1990). 1, 4 – вид сверху; 2, 5 – вид сбоку, 3, 6 – вид снизу. Масштабные
линейки 0.5 мм.
Phaedon armoraciae (Linnaeus, 1758)
Chrysomela armoraciae Linnaeus, 1758: 369.
Chrysomela plantaginis DeGeer, 1775: 322, syn. confirmed.
Type localities: Chrysomela armoraciae: not stated;
Chrysomela plantaginis: not stated.
Type material. Chrysomela armoraciae: not examined.
Chrysomela plantaginis: syntypes: 4 specimens (NHRS), small blank orange label, “95. C. plantaginis C. armoraciae p. 322” (box label, w, h).
Comments. Although DeGeer [1775] published Chrysomela armoraciae Linnaeus, 1758 in synonymy with his newly described Ch. plantaginis, the correct taxonomic position of Ch. plantaginis was uncertain and varied in the literature. For example Marsham [1802] listed Ch. plantaginis as synonym of Ch. armoraciae contrary to Schoenherr [1808] and Gemminger, Harold [1874] who treated Ch. plantaginis as synonym of Ch. cochleariae (Fabricius, 1792). During the second half of 19th century the name plantaginis disappeared from the catalogues.
In DeGeer’s collection deposited in NHRS four
syntypes of Chrysomela plantaginis are deposited. Undoubtedly they are conspecific with Phaedon armoraciae and thus, Chrysomela plantaginis is confirmed as synonym of Phaedon armoraciae.
Timarcha geniculata (С. Sahlberg, 1823), authorship changed
Chrysomela geniculata С. Sahlberg, 1823b: 73.
Chrysomela geniculata Germar, 1823: 584, syn. n.
Type localities: Chrysomela geniculata C. Sahlberg: “Hispania”; Chrysomela geniculata Germar: “Lusitania”.
Type material. Chrysomela geniculata Sahlberg: syntype, 1♂ (NHRS),
“♂.” (w, h), “Hispania. Dejean.” (w, h), “Typus” (r, p), “1823 [transversely] Geniculata Sp. Nov. Illig. Sahlb: Sp. ... p. 73, 10-11” (partly illegible, w, p).
Chrysomela geniculata Germar: not examined.
Comments. Throughout the entomological literature the authorship of Timarcha geniculata is usually attributed to Germar with year of description 1824 [e.g. Fairmaire, Allard 1873; Gemminger, Harold 1874; Weise, 1916, Kippenberg, 2010]. Despite the title page dated 1824, this book was published in October 1823 [Bousquet, 2016].
During my visit of NHRS I discovered the description of Chrysomela geniculata by Sahlberg [1823b] and also one type specimen in the collection. Carolus Reginald Sahlberg published the descriptions of new Coleoptera cummulated in his “Periculi Entomographici” three times. The oldest description of Chrysomela geniculata can be found in the fifth part of Dissertation theses published 16 June 1823 [Sahlberg, 1823b]. The description can be found also in reissued theses cummulated to one book without dissertation titles [Sahlberg, 1823c]. The exact date of this book is not known and for taxonomical purpose must be treated to 31 December 1823. Finally, the description was published in “Entomologisches Archiv” [Sahlberg, 1829].
When compared both descriptions by Sahlberg [1823b] and Germar [1823] it seems to me evident that both authors described this species independently and used the name
„geniculata Hoff.“ published for the first time as nomen nudum in the catalogue of Dejean [1821: 122]. The male
type specimen of Sahlberg’s Ch. geniculata is conspecific with widely used concept of Germar’s species. In sum I treat Ch. geniculata C. Sahlberg, 1823 as valid species and Ch. geniculata Germar, 1823 as its new synonym and primary homonym.
Calomicrus lividus (Joannis, 1865) (Fig. 12)
Luperus (Calomicrus) lividus Joannis, 1865: 125.
Luperus punctatissimus Fairmaire, 1884: 176.
Luperus (Calomicrus) heydeni Weise, 1900: 287.
Calomicrus trabzonus Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013: 95, syn. n. Type localities: Luperus lividus: “Syrie, Saida” (= Sidon, Lebanon); Luperus punctatissimus: “Akbès”; Luperus heydeni: “Adalia”; Calomicrus trabzonus: “СВ Турция, ЮВ Трабзона, Гюмюшане, восточнее Каракабан Даги” (= NE Turkey, SE of Trabzon, Gümüşhane, E Karakaban
Type material. Luperus lividus: not examined. The photographs of the holotype, 1♀ (MCZ), “lividus” (w, h), “Saida Syrie” (w, h), “448.” (w, p), “Luperus type lividus Joan Mon. Ab. 1866 p. 125 – 7 syria” (y, h), “Type” (p), “18149” (r, h).
Luperus punctatissimus: holotype, 1♀ (MNHN), “Akbès Asie min” (w, p), “222” (w, p), “MUSEUM PARIS COLL L. FAIRMAIRE” (w, p),
“HOLOTYPE” (r, p), “Luperus punctatissimus Fairm. Akbès” (w, h).
Luperus heydeni: syntype, 1 specimen (ZMHB), “Adalia Korb v. ... [partly illegible]” (w, h), “Calomicrus Heydeni m.” (w, h), “ex. Coll. J. Weise” (w, p). Calomicrus trabzonus: holotype, 1♂ (ZIN), “NE Turkey, SE of Trabzon, Gümüshane E Karakaban Dagi, 1700m, 9.06.1996 Belousov I. A. leg.” (w, p), “Holotypus” (r, p), “Calomicrus trabzonus Lopatin, Nesterova, 2012” (w, h). Additional material. 1♂, 4♀ (JBCB), Turkey, Adana vil., Aslantas, 27.04.1994 (P. Průdek, J. Kovalovský leg.); 1♂ (JBCB), Syria, Tamaze env., Jabal al-Ansariyah, E slope, 6.06.1999 (S. Kadlec leg.); 3♂, 3♀, 31 specimens (JBCB), Jordan, Ajlun env., 30 km W of Jarash, 32°19.877ʹN / 35°43.110ʹE,
850 m, 20.05.2007 (J. Bezděk leg.).
Comments. The primary type specimens of Luperus punctatissimus, L. heydeni and Calomicrus trabzonus (Fig. 12) were examined and compared with the photograph of the holotype of Luperus lividus. Also non type material from various localities was examined. Undoubtedly all four taxa are conspecific [see also Bezděk, 2007] and Calomicrus trabzonus is proposed as new synonym of Calomicrus lividus.
Euluperus azureus (Fairmaire, 1884), comb. n.
(Figs 1–3, 9, 10)
Luperus azureus Fairmaire, 1884: 176.
Euluperus hermonensis Lopatin, 1997: 376, syn. n.
Type localities: Luperus azureus: “Akbès”; Euluperus hermonensis: “Israel, Mt. Hermon”.
Type material. Luperus azureus: lectotype, ♂, designated here, 1♀,
paralectotype (MNHN), “Akbès Asie min” (w, p), “224” (w, p), “Luperus azureus Frm. Akbès” (w, h). Lectotype is provided with one printed red label “LECTOTYPUS Luperus azureus Fairmaire, 1884, des. J. Bezděk 2011”.
Euluperus hermonensis: holotype, 1♂ (ZMAS), “Israel, Hermon Mts. 1750m, 25 km NE Qiryat Sh. 10.5.94, Volkovich” (w, h), “Holotypus” (r, p), “Euluperus hermonensis n. sp. [h] det. I. Lopatin, 19 [p] 95 [w, h]”.
Additional material. 1♂, 2♀ (JBCB), Turkey, Hatay vil., Cevlik near Samandag, 23–26.04.1994 (P. Průdek, J. Kovalovský leg.). 2♂, 8♀ (JBCB), Syria, Slinfeh env., NE of Latakia, 1800 m, 27.05.1998 (S. Kadlec leg.); 1♀ (HNHM), Lebanon, Northern gov., Ehden, Horsh Ehden Nat. Res., 1525 m, 34°18ʹ33ʺN / 35°59ʹ14ʺE, 21.05.2015 (M. Boustani, A. Márkus,
T. Németh leg.).
Figs 7–11. Habitus of type specimens.
7 – Smaragdina salicina (Scopoli, 1763) (Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica Frivaldszky, 1883, syntype, male); 8 – Cryptocephalus macellus Suffrian, 1860 (Cryptocephalus zantensis Pic, 1953, syntype, male); 9–10 – Euluperus azureus (Fairmaire, 1884): 9 – Luperus azureus Fairmaire, 1884, lectotype, male, 10 – Euluperus hermonensis Lopatin, 1997, holotype, male; 11 – Euluperus nairicus (Lopatin, 1990), holotype, male.
Рис. 7–11. Типовые экземпляры, габитус.
7 – Smaragdina salicina (Scopoli, 1763) (Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica Frivaldszky, 1883, синтип, самец); 8 – Cryptocephalus macellus Suffrian, 1860 (Cryptocephalus zantensis Pic, 1953, синтип, самец); 9–10 – Euluperus azureus (Fairmaire, 1884): 9 – Luperus azureus Fairmaire, 1884, лектотип, самец, 10 – Euluperus hermonensis Lopatin, 1997, голотип, самец; 11 – Euluperus nairicus (Lopatin, 1990), голотип, самец.
Comments. In the past, Luperus azureus was usually classified in the genus Calomicrus [Weise, 1924; Wilcox, 1973; Beenen, 2010]. Only Warchałowski [2003, 2010] published an idea that Calomicrus azureus is possibly
synonym of Luperus chevrolati Joannis, 1865, recently listed in synonymy with Euluperus xanthopus xanthopus (Duftschmid, 1825) [Beenen, 2010].
I had the possibility to compare two syntypes (male and female) of Luperus azureus deposited in MNHN (Fig. 9) with the holotype of Euluperus hermonensis (Fig. 10), including
Figs 12–19. Habitus of type specimens and aedeagus.
12 – Calomicrus lividus (Joannis, 1865) (Calomicrus trabzonus Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013, holotype, male); 13 – Exosoma gaudionis (Reiche, 1862) (Exosoma thoracica var. grossepunctata Roubal, 1931, syntype, female); 14 – Derocrepis rufipes (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chrysomela caeruleostriata DeGeer, 1775, syntype, male); 15–19 – Monolepta syriaca (Weise, 1924) (15 – Monolepta anatolica Bezděk, 1998, paratype, male; 16 – Calomicrus volkovitshi Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013, holotype, male). 12–16 – habitus, dorsal view; 17–19 – aedeagus: 17 – dorsal view, 18 – everted internal sclerites, dorsal view, 19 – everted internal sclerites, lateral view.
Рис. 12–19. Типовые экземпляры, габитус, и эдеагус.
12 – Calomicrus lividus (Joannis, 1865) (Calomicrus trabzonus Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013, голотип, самец); 13 – Exosoma gaudionis (Reiche, 1862) (Exosoma thoracica var. grossepunctata Roubal, 1931, синтип, самка); 14 – Derocrepis rufipes (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chrysomela caeruleostriata DeGeer, 1775, синтип, самец); 15–19 – Monolepta syriaca (Weise, 1924) (15 – Monolepta anatolica Bezděk, 1998, паратип, самец; 16 – Calomicrus volkovitshi Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013, голотип, самец). 12–16 – габитус, вид сверху; 17–19 – эдеагус: 17 – вид сверху, 18 – вывернутые внутренние склериты, вид сверху, 19 – вывернутые внутренние склериты, вид сбоку.
their aedeagi (Figs 1–3). The type specimens of both taxa are undoubtedly conspecific. Based on the characters summarized by Bezděk [2015] (metallic dorsum, shape of pronotum, shape of last visible ventrite, ventral furrow on aedeagus), Luperus azureus is transferred to the genus Euluperus and Euluperus hermonensis is proposed its new synonym.
The previously published data on distribution in Syria and Lebanon are somewhat confusing. The records from Syria were evidently based on the type locality Akbes placed in today’s Turkey. Guillebeau [1891] added the record “Syrie: Liban, Ain Libbous” what probably refer
to Anti Lebanon mountain range on border between Syria, Lebanon and Golan Heights in Israel. To clarify the distribution in these countries I present the concrete specimens from today’s Turkey, Syria and Lebanon.
Euluperus nairicus (Lopatin, 1990), comb. n.
(Figs 4–6, 11)
Calomicrus nairicus Lopatin, 1990: 51.
Type locality: “Apмeния, 50 км ceвepнee Epeвaнa, Цaхкaдзоp” (= Armenia, 50 km N of Erevan, Tsaghkadzor).
Type material. Holotype, 1♂ (ZIN), “Armenien: 50 km N Jerewan, 15.7.87” (w, p), “Zachkadsor 2000m J. Oehlke leg.” (w, p), “Holotypus” (r, p), “Calomicrus nairicus sp. n. [h] det. I. Lopatin, 19 [p] 88 [w, h]”; paratype, 1♀ (ZIN), same labels as in holotype, except “Paratypus”.
Comments. The male holotype (Fig. 11) and the female paratype of Calomicrus nairicus deposited in ZIN were examined. Based on the characters summarized by Bezděk [2015] (e.g. metallic dorsum, shape of pronotum, shape of last visible ventrite, ventral furrow on aedeagus (Figs 4–6), Calomicrus nairicus is transferred to the genus Euluperus Weise, 1886.
Exosoma gaudionis (Reiche, 1862) (Fig. 13)
Malacosoma gaudionis Reiche, 1862: 545.
Exosoma thoracica var. grossepunctata Roubal, 1931: 454,
Typelocalities:Malacosomagaudionis:“Thesselonicam versus Macedoniae in Turcia europaea” (= Thessaloniki, Greece); Exosoma thoracica var. grossepunctatum: “Pirin” (= Pirin Mts., Bulgaria).
Type material. Malacosoma gaudionis: not examined.
Exosoma thoracica var. grossepunctata: Syntype, 1♀ (SNMC), “Pirin Mac. Pfeffer VI.29” (w, p), “v. grossepun- ctata m. type” (w, h), “v. gaudioni ale hrubě teč. krov.” (= but elytra more coarsely punctate) (w, h), blank (r).
Comments. Roubal [1931] described Exosoma thoracica var. grossepunctata from Pirin Mts. in Bulgaria. In subsequent catalogues [Wilcox, 1973; Beenen, 2010] the variety grossepunctata is listed in synonymy with Exosoma thoracicum (Redtenbacher, 1843). I had the opportunity to examine one female syntype (Fig. 13) deposited in Roubal’s collection in Slovak National Museum with black abdomen which is undoubtedly conspecific with E. gaudionis. Thus, var. grossepunctata is removed from the synonymy with
E. thoracicum and newly synonymized with E. gaudionis.
Exosoma lusitanicum (Linnaeus, 1767)
Chrysomela lusitanica Linnaeus, 1767: 1066. Malacosoma theryi Guillebeau, 1897: 166, syn. n. For full list of synonyms see Beenen [2010].
Type localities: Chrysomela lusitanica: “Lusitania”;
Malacosoma theryi: “prov. de Constatine”.
Type material. Chrysomela lusitanica: not examined.
Malacosoma theryi: syntype, 1♀ (MNHN), “Algerie” (w, h), “Type” (red letters, w, h), “Theryi Guill type” (w, h), “Malacosoma n. sp. Theryi Guill. Type” (w, h), “MUSEUM-PARIS BOURVEAU-GIRARD” (w, h).
Comments. Malacosoma theryi was described based on one couple from Algeria [Guillebeau, 1897]. A female syntype traced in MNHN represents a specimen with antennae orange and legs orange with darker femora. Although the ventral side was stated as black (“dessous noir”) in the original description, the abdomen of female syntype is orange. Black ventral side was also used in subsequent identification keys [Mohr, 1968; Warchałowski, 2003, 2010] to separate Exosoma theryi from E. lusitanica. In the populations of Exosoma lusitanicum the specimens with pale legs and antennae are time to time found. It is
evident that such coloured specimens show nothing an infraspecific variability. Consequently, Malacosoma theryi is proposed as a new synonym of Exosoma lusitanicum.
Monolepta syriaca (Weise, 1924), comb. n.
(Figs 15–19)
Luperus syriacus Weise, 1924: 116 (replacement name for
Luperus brevicollis Weise, 1898).
Monolepta anatolica Bezdĕk, 1998: 150.
Luperus brevicollis Weise, 1898: 214 (homonym).
Calomicrus volkovitshi Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013: 95, syn. n. Type localities: Luperus brevicollis: “Akbès”; Monolepta anatolica: “Turkey, Icel vil., Göktepe Dagi, Aslanli env.,
15 km NW from Erdemli”; Calomicrus volkovitshi: “Турция, Эрзерум, ЮЮВ Фостума” (= Turkey, Erzurum, SSE of Tortum]).
Type material. Luperus brevicollis: lectotype, 1♂, designated here
(ZMHB), “Akbes Staud” (w, h), “brevicollis m” (w, h), “ex. Coll. J. Weise” (w, p); paralectotypes, 2 specimens (ZMHB), “Akbes Staud” (w, h), “ex. Coll.
J. Weise” (w, p); 1♂ (ZMHB), “Akbes” (w, h), “ex. Coll. J. Weise” (w, p). The lectotype and the paralectotypes are provided with one printed red label “LECTOTYPUS [or PARALECTOTYPUS, respectively] Luperus (Calomicrus) brevicollis Weise, 1898, des. J. Bezděk 2006”.
Monolepta anatolica: 33 paratypes (both males and females) (JBCB), “Turkey S, Icel (Mersin) Göktepe Dagi, Aslanli env. (15 km NW from Erdemli) 10.-12.vii.1998, J. Bezděk lgt.” (w, p), “PARATYPUS [with handwritten No. of paratype] Monolepta anatolica sp. n. J. Bezděk det. 1998” (r, p).
Calomicrus volkovitshi: holotype, 1♂ (ZIN), “Turkey, Erzurum SSE of Tostum 5.7. Volkovitsh 05” (w, h), “Holotypus” (r, p), “Calomicrus volkovitshi Lopatin, Nesterova, 2012” (w, h).
Additional material. 69 specimens (JBCB), Turkey, Silifke, Goksu kanyon, 26.05.2001 (M. Snížek leg.).
Comments. Habitually similar genera Calomicrus Dillwyn, 1829, Luperus Geoffroy, 1762, Euluperus Weise, 1886 and Scelolyperus Crotch, 1974 can be distinguished by set of characters presented by Bezděk [2015]. However, the genus Calomicrus itself is evidently polyphyletic in current concept and is waiting for the comprehensive revision. Many yellow Calomicrus species from arid areas of Mediterranean, Near East and Arabian Peninsula show the habitual affinity to the genus Monolepta Chevrolat, 1836. In my opinion, the formal transfer of all such species to Monolepta is not possible as each species should be carefully studied.
Monolepta anatolica Bezděk, 1998 (Fig. 15) proved
to be conspecific with Calomicrus syriacus (Weise, 1924) and the position in Calomicrus was tentatively accepted by Bezděk [2007]. However, further studies allow me to correct the generic assignment. In comparison with Calomicrus circumfusus (Marsham, 1802) (type species of Calomicrus) following differences were observed: Calomicrus syriacus has closed anterior coxal cavities (open in C. circumfusus), very long basimetatarsomere, 7.7 times as long as broad, with black base (4.3 times as long as broad, with pale base in C. circumfusus), antennomere III long, parallel, 3 times as long as wide (subtriangular, 1.2 times as long as wide), median lobe on last abdominal ventrite in male not impressed (impressed in C. circumfusus), aedeagus with complicate structure of spiculae and sclerites (Figs 17–19) (not studied in C. circumfusus) and spermatheca with globular nodulus well separated from cornu (nodulus elongate, with indicated transition to nodulus). Above mentioned characters of Calomicrus syriacus fit very well
the generic description of Monolepta [Wagner, 2003, 2007] and thus I propose the transfer of Calomicrus syriacus to Monolepta. Moreover, recently described C. volkovitshi Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013 is synonymised with Monolepta syriaca based on the study of the holotype (Figs 15, 16).
Theone silphoides silphoides (C. Sahlberg, 1823), authorship changed
Galleruca silphoides C. Sahlberg, 1823a: 62.
Galleruca silphoides Dalman, 1823: 77, syn. n.
Type localities: Galleruca silphoides C. Sahlberg: “Caucaso”. Galleruca silphoides Dalman: “Iberia ? vel ad Caucasum ?”.
Type material. Galleruca silphoides C. Sahlberg: syntype, 1 specimen
(NHRS), “Caucas” (w, p), “Steven” (w, p), “Schh” (w, p), “Silphoides. Dalm. Sahlb.” (w, h), “Typus” (r, p), “Galleruca silphoides Type Sahlberg 1823” (w, h).
Comments. In the entomological literature, the authorship of Theone silphoides is usually assigned to Dalman [1823] and often mentioned that the description was repeated by Sahlberg [1829] [e.g. Weise, 1924; Wilcox, 1971; Beenen, 2010].
Carolus Reginald Sahlberg published the descriptions of new Coleoptera cummulated in his “Periculi Entomographici” three times. The oldest version can be found in five Dissertation theses published in June 1823. The description of Galleruca silphoides is in the fourth part published 14 June 1823 [Sahlberg, 1823a]. These theses were also reissued in one publication [Sahlberg, 1823c] without the dissertation titles. The exact date of publication of Sahlberg [1823c] is not known and for taxonomical purpose it must be treated 31 December 1823. For the third time, the text was reissued in “Entomologisches Archiv” [Sahlberg, 1829]. The oldest known publication date of Dalman’s “Analecta Entomologica” [Dalman, 1823] is 7 September 1823. For more details and exact dates of publishing see Bousquet [2016].
After the comparison of Dalman’s and Sahlberg’s descriptions I think that both authors used the same specimen(s) from Caucasus collected or donated by
C. Steven to J.C. Schoenherr. Moreover, the name Galleruca silphoides in Sahlberg’s description is attributed to Dalman. However, the oldest description and thus also the authorship of Galleruca silphoides must be assigned to Sahlberg [1823a]. Galleruca silphoides Dalman, 1823 is proposed as a new synonym and primary homonym of
G. silphoides C. Sahlberg, 1823.
Derocrepis rufipes (Linnaeus, 1758) (Fig. 14)
Chrysomela rufipes Linnaeus, 1758: 373.
Chrysomela caeruleo-striata DeGeer, 1775: 343, syn. n.
Type localities: Chrysomela rufipes: “Europa”;
Chrysomela caeruleostriata: not stated.
Type material. Chrysomela rufipes: not examined. The photographs of 1♀, syntype are available at http://linnean-online.org/22866/.
Chrysomela caeruleostriata: syntype, 1♂ (NHRS), “NHRS-JLKB 000023095“ (w, p), blank, orange label, “48. C. Caeruleo-striata p. 343” ([box label, w, h).
Comments. The only subsequent publication where I have found the name Chrysomela caeruleostriata is the catalogue by Gemminger and Harold [1876] where it is treated in synonymy with Podagrica fuscipes (Fabricius, 1775). After that Chrysomela caeruleostriata disappeared from the entomological literature. In DeGeer’s collection deposited in NHRS I have found one syntype of Chrysomela caeruleostriata (Fig. 14) which is undoubtedly conspecific with common European alticine Derocrepis rufipes and thus new synonymy is proposed.
Donacia (Sotaiana) aquatica (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material. Albania: 5 specimens (HNHM), Prokletije Mts., Sylbice, Liqeni i Verdbë, 42°31.271ʹN / 20°05.303ʹE, 2090 m, 8.07.2011 (Z. Barina,
A. Kovács, G. Puskás, B. Sárospataki leg.); 2 specimens (HNHM), Prokletije Mts., Döberdol, Liqeni i Dashit, 42°32.008ʹN / 20°04.653ʹE, 2080 m, 9.07.2011 (Z. Barina, A. Kovács, G. Puskás, B. Sárospataki leg.).
Dicladispa testacea (Linnaeus, 1767)
Material. Lebanon: 1 specimen (HNHM), Northern gov., Ehden, Horsh Ehden Nat. Res., 1525 m, 34°18ʹ33ʺN / 35°59ʹ14ʺE, 26.06.2016 (A. Kotán, T. Németh leg.).
Acolastus iranicus (Lopatin, 1980)
Material. Syria: 1♂ (HNHM), Al Hasakah prov., 15 km S of Hasakah, 40°45.744ʹN / 36°20.788ʹE, 300 m, 27.04.2006 (Gy. Rozner leg.).
Cryptocephalus (Burlinius) connexus Olivier, 1808
Material. Cyprus: 1♀ (HNHM), Larnaca, 20–28.05.2003 (A. Podlussány leg.).
Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) parvulus Müller, 1776
Material. Lebanon: 1♀ (HNHM), Northern gov., Tannourine env., 2 km N of Harissa, Fuvar, 34°12ʹ22ʺN / 35°55ʹ17ʺE, 1460 m, 17.06.2016 (A. Kotán, P. Nemes, T. Németh leg.).
New species for Lebanon.
Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) trimaculatus
Rossi, 1790
Material. Lebanon: 1♂ (HNHM), Northern gov., 7 km NE of Batroun, Qnat, 1195 m, 34°15ʹ323ʺN / 35°53ʹ667ʺE, 18.06.2016 (A. Kotán, P. Nemes,
T. Németh leg.).
Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) virens Suffrian, 1847
Material. Greece: 1♂ (OKCZ), West Macedonia, 4 km NW of Deskati, 39°56ʹ59.82ʺN / 21°46ʹ9.03ʺE, 1500 m, 1.06.2016 (O. Konvička leg.).
Cryptocephalus (Heterichnus) prusias Suffrian, 1853
Material. Greece: 2♂, 3♀ (VKCC, JBCB), West Macedonia, Galatini, 30.06.2014 (V. Kolář leg.).
Gastrophysa polygoni polygoni (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material. Syria: 1 specimen (HNHM), Ar Raqqah prov., 8 km N of Al Thawrah, 31.05.2010 (A. Kotán, E. Mizsei, T. Németh, N. Rahmé leg.). Lebanon: 4 specimens (HNHM), Northern gov., Bcharre env., 4 km E of Ariz, 970 m, 34°14.645ʹN / 35°5.166ʹE, 24.06.2016 (M. Boustani, A. Kotán,
P. Nemes, T. Németh, M. Rehayem, W. Yammine leg.); 2 specimens (HNHM), Mount Lebanon Range, Arsoun, Pinus forest, 33°51ʹ8.03ʺN / 35°41ʹ44.36ʺE, 10.2016 (N. Nemer leg.).
Phaedon laevigatus laevigatus (Duftschmid, 1825)
Material. Greece: 9 specimens (OKCZ, JBCB), Peloponnese, 5 km E of Archea Olimpia, Linaria, 6–7.09.2017, 37°38ʹ42ʺN / 21°41ʹ2ʺE, sifting (O. Konvička leg.).
Plagiodera versicolora (Laicharting, 1781)
Material. Lebanon: 1 specimen (HNHM), Northern gov., Bcharre env., Quadisha valley, 970 m, 34°14ʹ57ʺN / 35°58ʹ34ʺE, 27.05.2015 (M. Boustani, A. Márkus, T. Németh, M. Rehayem leg.); 2 specimens (HNHM), Northern gov., Bcharre env., Quadisha valley, 970 m, 34°14ʹ57ʺN / 35°58ʹ34ʺE, 5.05.2017 (A. Kotán, P. Nemes, T. Németh, C. Tanios leg.).
Agelastica alni alni (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material. Georgia: 1 specimen (HNHM), Batumi, 21.07.1977 (without collector’s name).
Aulacophora foveicollis (Lucas, 1847)
Material. Montenegro: 1 specimen (HNHM), Herceg Novi, 1.05.1927 (J. Fodor leg.).
Calomicrus arabicus Lopatin et Nesterova, 2006
Material. Oman: 3♂ (JBCB), Dhofar prov., Muqshin, 19°35ʹN/ 54°53ʺE, 115 m, oasis, flowering Acacia trees, 29.03.2011 (A. Reiter leg.); 1♂, 1♀ (JBCB), 17 km W of Sur, 15.03.2015 (M. Snížek leg.).
New species for Oman.
Calomicrus circumfusus (Marsham, 1802)
Material. Slovenia: 1 specimen (TSCO), Sela na Krasu, Gorjansko env., 29.06.2002 (T. Sitek leg.); 1 specimen (JBCB), same locality, 20–22.06.2003 (Z. Malinka leg.).
Exosoma thoracicum (Redtenbacher, 1843)
Material. Jordan: 3♂ (JBCB), Ajlun env., 30 km W of Jarash, 32°19.9ʹN / 35°43.1ʹE, 1.05.2006 (F. and L. Kantner leg.); 1♂, 1♀ (JBCB),
Alhuna, SW of Jarash, 12.06.2009 (M. Snížek leg.).
Distribution. Turkey, Syria, Israel [Beenen, 2010], Cyprus [Alziar, Lemaire, 2012], Iran [Mirzaei, Nozari, 2016]. New species for Jordan. The distribution in Albania and Greece [Beenen, 2010] needs verification. The occurrence in these countries may be caused by confusion with Exosoma gaudionis because many decades
E. gaudionis was treated as variety or aberration of
E. thoracicum.
Galerucella lineola lineola (Fabricius, 1781)
Material. Armenia: 5 specimens (HNHM), Garni, 11.10.1984 (Z. Korsós, T. Vásárhelyi leg.). Portugal: 2 specimens (HNHM), Cinfaes, 14.05.1991 (A. Podlussány leg.).
Medythia nigrobilineata Motschulsky, 1861
Material. Georgia: 1 specimen (JBCB), Sagvichio, Kolkheti National Park, 29.07.2014 (O. Konvička leg.).
Pyrrhalta viburni (Paykull, 1799)
Material. Bulgaria: 1 specimen (HNHM), Lozen, 600 m, 27.08.1982 (Á. Draskovits, Á. Vály leg.).
Radymna persica (Faldermann, 1837)
Material. Greece: 1♂ (JBCB), Rhodos Is., Paradissi, 100 m, 5.05.1996 (R. Borovec leg.).
Sermylassa halensis (Linnaeus, 1767)
Material. Slovenia: 3 specimens (TSCO), Crni Hribi, Temnica env., 13.07.2000 (T. Sitek leg.).
Xanthogaleruca luteola (Müller, 1766)
Material. Portugal: 4 specimens (HNHM), Castro Verde, 6.05.1991 (A. Podlussány leg.). Slovenia: 1 specimen (TSCO), Tolmin, Soča River, 28.06.2001 (T. Sitek leg.).
Crepidodera aurea (Geoffroy, 1785)
Material. Lebanon: 1♀ (HNHM), Northern gov., Ehden, Horsh Ehden Nat. Res., 1525 m, 34°18ʹ33ʺN / 35°59ʹ14ʺE, 21.05.2015 (M. Boustani,
A. Márkus, T. Németh leg.).
Ochrosis ventralis (Illiger, 1807)
Material. Georgia: 1♀ (JBCB), between Anaklia and Tikori, 14– 15.06.2015 (L. Čepelka leg.).
Phyllotreta nigripes nigripes (Fabricius, 1775)
Material. Lebanon: 1♂ (HNHM), Northern gov., 6 km W of Tannourine, “Tannourine uplands”, 34°9ʹ457ʺN / 35°57ʹ282ʺE, 1940 m, 28.06.2016 (A. Kotán, P. Nemes, T. Németh leg.).
Podagrica malvae malvae (Illiger, 1807)
Material. Lebanon: 1 specimen (HNHM), Mount Lebanon Range, Kfar Hay, Mar Youanna Maroun, macchia, 34°14ʹ47.69ʺN / 35°45ʹ1.02ʺE, 322 m, 3.05.2017 (M. Boustani, A. Kotán, P. Nemes, T. Németh leg.).
Psylliodes tricolor Weise, 1888
Material. Syria: 1 specimen (HNHM), Hama prov., Jabal al Nusariyah, Autan, 700 m, 27.05.2004 (N. Rahmé, L. Nádai, K. Székely leg.).
Sphaeroderma rubidum (Graells, 1858)
Material. Syria: 1♂, 6♀ (HNHM), Latakia prov., 3 km S of Kasab, pine forest, 2.06.2010 (A. Kotán, E. Mizsei, T. Németh, N. Rahmé leg.); 2♂, 1♀ (HNHM), Latakia prov., As Samra, 2.06.2010 (A. Kotán, E. Mizsei,
T. Németh, N. Rahmé leg.); 3♀ (HNHM), Al Ladhqiyah, Mts. Agra, 10 km S of Kasab, 550 m, 35°51.464ʹN / 35°25.735ʹE, 22.06.2006 (N. Rahmé,
A. Kotán, A. Márkus, D. Szalóki, K. Székely leg.).
Chrysochus asclepiadeus (Pallas, 1773)
Material. Slovenia: 2 specimens (TSCO), Podgorski kras Mts., Petrinje, 26.06.2001 (T. Sitek leg.).
Distribution. Central and Southern Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Kazakhstan [Moseyko, Sprecher-Uebersax, 2010]. Gruev [2005] listed Chrysochus asclepiadeus from Slovenia but without concrete data. Confirmed occurrence in Slovenia.
I would like to thank all curators and colleagues listed above for giving me the opportunity to study their collections.
Alziar G., Lemaire J.-M. 2012. Les missions entomologiques du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Nice (France), 2004-2010. Biocosme Mésogéen. 29(3): 57–104.
Beenen R. 2010. Galerucinae. In: Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 6. Chrysomeloidea. (I. Löbl, A. Smetana eds). Stenstrup: Apollo Books: 443–491.
Bezdĕk J. 1998. Monolepta anatolica sp. n. - a new species of leaf beetle from Turkey (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Klapalekiana. 34: 149–152.
Bezděk J. 2007. Taxonomical changes in Palaearctic Luperini (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Annales Zoologici. 57(2): 257–266.
Bezděk J. 2015. A review of Palaearctic Scelolyperus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), with description of S. perreus sp. nov. from Turkey. Annales Zoologici. 65(1): 21–39. DOI: 10.3161/000345 41ANZ2015.65.1.003
Bieńkowski A.O., Orlova-Bienkowskaja M.J. 2018. The first record in Europe of an invasive alien pest of soybeans: Medythia nigrobilineata Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 70(1): 117–120.
Borowiec L., Sekerka L. 2010. Cassidinae. In: Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 6. Chrysomeloidea. (I. Löbl, A. Smetana eds). Stenstrup: Apollo Books: 368–390.
Bousquet Y. 2016. Litteratura Coleopterologica (1758–1900): a guide to selected books related to the taxonomy of Coleoptera with publication dates and notes. ZooKeys. 583: 1–776. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.583.7084
Cobos A. 1961. Nota sobre Chrysomelidae ibericos (Coleoptera). Graellsia.
19: 27–43.
Cobos A. 1969. Nuevos materiales para el estudio del género
Gynandrophthalma Lac. (Col. Chrysomelidae). Graellsia. 24: 67–77. Dalman J.W. 1823. Analecta entomologica. Holmiae: Lindhianus.
vii + 104 p., 4 pls.
DeGeer C. 1775. Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire des insectes. Tome cinquième. Stockholm: L’imprimerie Pierre Hesselberg. vii + 448 p., 16 pls.
Dejean P.F.M.A. 1821. Catalogue des coléoptères de la collection de
M. le Baron Dejean. Paris: Crevot. viii + 136 p.
Döberl M. 2010. Alticinae. In: Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 6. Chrysomeloidea. (I. Löbl, A. Smetana eds). Stenstrup: Apollo Books: 491–562.
Escalera M.M. de la. 1928. Formas nuevas de Gynandrophthalma Lac., de España y Marruecos (Col. Chrysomelidae). Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. 28: 431–433.
Fairmaire L. 1884. Liste des coléoptères recueillis par M. l’Abbé David à Akbès (Asie Mineure) et description des espèces nouvelles. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 6(4): 165–180.
Fairmaire L., Allard E. 1873. Révision du genre Timarcha. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 5(3): 143–202.
Frivaldszky J. 1883. Coleoptera nova ex Hungaria. Magyarországi új téhelyröpűek. Természetrajzi Füzetek. 7: 9–18.
Gemminger M., Harold B. 1874. Catalogus Coleopterorum. Tom. XI. Monachii: G. Beck. 3233–3478 + [4] p.
Gemminger M., Harold B. 1876. Catalogus Coleopterorum. Vol. XII. Monachii: Theodor Ackermann. 3479–3676 + [2] + lxxiii p.
Germar E.F. 1823. Insectorum species novae aut minus cognitae, descriptionibus illustratae. Vol. I. Coleoptera. Halae: J.C. Hendelii & Filii. xxiv + 624 p., 2 pls.
Gruev B. 2005. A comparative list of the leaf beetles of the Balkan countries (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Scientific Studies of the University of Plovdiv, Biology, Animalia. 41: 23–46.
Guillebeau F. 1891. Révision du genre Luperus Geoffroy d’après Weise. Traduite et complétée par Fr. Guillebeau. Revue d’Entomologie. 10: 290–305.
Guillebeau F. 1897. Description de quelques espèces nouvelles de coléoptères. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. 1897: 163–166.
Joannis L. de. 1865. Monographie des galérucides d’Europe, du Nord de l’Afrique et de l’Asie. Tribu des galérucides proprement dites ou isopodes. L’Abeille. 3: 1–168.
Kaszab Z. 1962. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Chrysomeliden-Fauna des Karpatenbeckens nebst Beschreibung neuer Formen (Coleoptera). Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S. N.). 15: 25–93.
Kippenberg H. 2010. Chrysomelinae (except genus Timarcha). In: Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 6. Chrysomeloidea. (I. Löbl,
A. Smetana eds). Stenstrup: Apollo Books: 390–437.
Linnaeus C. 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymies, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Holmiae: Impensis Direct. Laurentii Salvii. iv + 824 + [1] p.
Linnaeus C. 1767. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus differentiis, synonymis, locis. Editio duodecima, reformata. Tom. I. Pars II. Holmiae: Laurentii Salvii. [2] + 533–1327 + [37] p.
Lopatin I.K. 1990. New and little-known chrysomelid beetle species (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of the USSR fauna. In: Novosti faunistiki i sistematiki [Faunistic and systematic news]. Kiev: Naukova dumka: 48–54 (in Russian).
Lopatin I.K. 1997. New species of chrysomelid beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of the Asiatic fauna. Entomologicheskoe obozrenie. 76(2): 363–377 (in Russian).
Lopatin I.K., Nesterova O.L. 2013. Two new species of the genus Calomicrus Dillwyn, 1829 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) from Turkey. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin. 9(1): 95–96 (in Russian). DOI: 10.23885/1814-3326-2013-9-1-95-96
Lopatin I.K., Smetana A., Schöller M. 2010. Cryptocephalinae: genus Cryptocephalus Geoffroy, 1762. In: Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 6. Chrysomeloidea. (I. Löbl, A. Smetana eds). Stenstrup: Apollo Books: 580–606.
Marsham T. 1802. Entomologia Britannica, sistens insecta britanniae indigena, secundum methodum linnaeanam disposita. Tomus I. Coleoptera. Londini: Wilks & Taylor. xxxi + 547 + [1] p.
Mirzaei M., Nozari J. 2016. Catalogue of Iranian subfamily Galerucinae s. str. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics. 12(2): 167–180. DOI: 10.22067/ijab.v12i2.52601
Mohr K.-H. 1968. Eine übersehene Exosoma-Art aus Kleinasien (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Gal.). Reichenbachia. 10: 239–243.
Moseyko A.G., Sprecher-Uebersax E. 2010. Eumolpinae. In: Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 6. Chrysomeloidea. (I. öbl,
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Received / Поступила: 27.09.2018 Accepted / Принята: 5.12.2018