Кавказский энтомол. бюллетень 11(2): 369– 381 © CAUCASIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL BULL. 2015

Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1

Дополнения к обзору рода Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1

A.I. Miroshnikov1, 2

А.И. Мирошников1, 2

1Russian Entomological Society, Krasnodar, Russia. E-mail: miroshnikov-ai@yandex.ru

2Sochi National Park, Moskovskaya str., 21, Sochi, Krasnodar Region 354002 Russia

1Русское энтомологическое общество, Краснодар, Россия

2Сочинский национальный парк, ул. Московская, 21, Сочи, Краснодарский край 354000 Россия

Key words: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Clytellina, Clytellus, new species, new data, Oriental realm.

Ключевые слова: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Clytellina, Clytellus, новые виды, новые данные, Ориентальная область.

Abstract. The present paper opens a series of additions to a recently published review of the Oriental genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853. The following species are described as new: C. waterstradti sp. n., C. periculosus sp. n. (both Brunei), C. sarawakiensis sp. n. (Malaysia, Sarawak),

C. hefferni sp. n., C. jenisi sp. n. (both Malaysia, Sabah),

C. lingafelteri sp. n. (Philippines), and C. javanus sp. n.

(Indonesia, Java). The previously unknown males of

C. tatianae Miroshnikov, 2014 and C. monilis Holzschuh, 2011, both characterized by some external sexual features missing in the females, are also described. The records of the former species of these two in Brunei, of C. malayanus Hayashi, 1977, in Java, and of C. methocoides Westwood, 1853, in the extreme north of Jiangxi Province, China not only significantly extend the known distribution ranges of those species, but also the reports of two latter taxa, together with that of C. javanus sp. n., considerably enlarge the distribution area of the entire genus both to the south and north. The previous record of C. malayanus in Borneo is confirmed. Some morphological features of certain populations in the Philippine C. benguetanus Schultze, 1920, in particular, from the Sibuyan Island (Romblon Province), are revealed, and a range of general individual variability in this species is outlined. Additional material of

C. methocoides from Hong Kong and Jiujiang City shows a coloration typical of the Chinese populations, as described earlier by the author.

Резюме. Настоящая работа открывает серию дополнений к недавно опубликованному обзору ориентального рода Clytellus Westwood, 1853. Описаны следующие новые виды: C. waterstradti sp. n.,

C. periculosus sp. n. (оба Бруней), C. sarawakiensis sp. n. (Малайзия, Саравак), C. hefferni sp. n., C. jenisi sp. n. (оба Малайзия, Сабах), C. lingafelteri sp. n. (Филиппины) и C. javanus sp. n. (Индонезия, Ява). Также описаны ранее не известные самцы C. tatianae Miroshnikov, 2014 и C. monilis Holzschuh, 2011, характеризующиеся некоторыми наружными половыми признаками, отсутствующими у самок. Указано, что находки

первого из них в Брунее, C. malayanus Hayashi, 1977 на Яве, а C. methocoides Westwood, 1853 на крайнем севере китайской провинции Цзянси, с одной стороны, значительно увеличивают ареал этих видов, а с другой стороны, упомянутые местонахождения двух последних таксонов, совместно с находкой

C. javanus sp. n., расширяют ареал рода на юг и север. Подтверждается ранее указанное распространение

C. malayanus на Борнео. Рассматриваются некоторые морфологические особенности отдельных популяций филиппинского C. benguetanus Schultze, 1920, в частности с острова Сибуян (провинция Ромблон), и в целом индивидуальная изменчивость этого вида. Показано, что дополнительно изученные экземпляры

C. methocoides из Гонконга и Цзюцзян обладают окраской, характерной для китайских популяций, описанных автором ранее.

A review of the Oriental genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853, has recently appeared, comprising 28 species, 11 of which are described as new [Miroshnikov, 2014]. However, I have since received for examination a rather diverse additional material representing this genus. Its study significantly increases our knowledge of Clytellus, emphasizing both an amazing morphological variation in several clearly distinguishable new species described below and a taxonomically very complex structure of certain groups of extremely similar and difficult-to-differentiate forms.

It becomes increasingly evident now that the current knowledge of the taxonomic composition of Clytellus is still far enough from complete. Discoveries of many more new species can well be expected in the future.

The present paper opens a series of additions to Miroshnikov’s [2014] review of the genus. It covers 7 new species from Eastern Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines, also providing the first descriptions of the previously unknown males of some species, as well as some other novelties.

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The material treated in this paper belongs to the following institutional and private collections:

BM – Bishop Museum (Honolulu, USA);

MNHN – Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris, France);

SDEI – Senckenberg Deutsche Entomologische Institut (Müncheberg, Germany);

USNM – National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (Washington D.C., USA);

cAM – collection of Alexandr Miroshnikov (Krasnodar, Russia);

cCH – collection of Carolus Holzschuh (Villach, Austria);

cDH – collection of Daniel Heffern (Houston, USA); cLD – collection of Luboš Dembický (Brno, Czech


cTT – collection of Tomáš Tichý (Opava, Czech Republic);

This paper uses the morphological terminology and comparative characteristics proposed earlier [Miroshnikov, 2014].

Clytellus waterstradti Miroshnikov, sp. n.

(Color plate 5: 1–3; Figs 13, 15)

Material. Holotype, (USNM): “Brunei, Waterstradt”, “Tippmann Coll.ʼ57 213112” (Color plate 5: 3).

Diagnosis. The new species seems to be especially similar to C. vivesi Miroshnikov, 2014 (Figs 14, 16), but differs clearly in the structure of the elytra, particularly, the predominantly coarser puncturation in the basal half, the presence of a distinct, partly rough puncturation in the apical part and of dense, recumbent, white setae at the apex, as well as by the evidently less strongly elongated and much less shiny pronotum.

Description. Female. Body length 5.2 mm, humeral width

1.25 mm. Black; antennae and legs mostly, epipleura in apical part dark reddish-brown; tarsi partly lighter; apex of elytra reddish; elytra shiny, with a clear, metallic, blue lustre with greenish tint, predominantly so in area of depression.

Head with a barely convex frons; antennomere 2, 1.23 times as long as isthmus between antennal cavities; antennae extended clearly behind middle of elytra; antennomere 1, 1.3, 1.16, 1.16 or

1.25 times as long as 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, respectively; antennomere 2,

1.52 times as long as wide; last antennomere 1.57 times as long as penultimate one.

Pronotum 1.67 times as long as wide at apex, 2.07 times as long as width at base; apex 1.24 times as broad as base, the very base

1.24 times as broad as constriction in front of base; strongly convex; apical one-third with a sharp constriction; area of constriction in front of base with longitudinal, sharp grooves; longitudinal groove at bottom of this constriction clearly expressed, but partly hidden by dense light setae; microsculpture creating a velvety background (like C. olesteroides Pascoe, 1885 and C. gressitti Miroshnikov, 2014); with individual, small, partly unclear punctures.

Elytra 2.53 times as long as wide at humeral width, in apical half 1.08 times as broad as humeral width; each elytron moderately tuberculiform elevated at base, with a clear depression before middle, moderately convex behind; basal part with coarse to very coarse, partly rough, deep, oblong-oval punctures; area of tubercles and space between them mostly microsculptured and forming a velvety dull surface contrasting with elytra generally strongly dominated by a smooth and shiny background surface; in apical half with a clear punctures, partly rough ones in its anterior area.

Prosternum with an obliterated sculpture; its profile in apical

part strongly curved (Color plate 5: 2); prosternal process at apex noticeably wider than between procoxae; mesosternal process subequal to prosternal process between coxae; metepisterna at apex with a well-visible denticle; 1st (visible) sternite 1.45 times as long as all following (visible) sternites combined.

Last tarsomere with 2 claws not fused at base.

Setation mainly as follows: base of pronotum in the form of a well-developed fascia (Color plate 5: 2; Fig. 13), apex of elytra in a peculiar way (Fig. 15), partly prosternum, most of mesosternum, almost complete metasternum and 1st (visible) sternite, as well as partly legs clothed with more or less dense, recumbent, white setae partly with silver tint; head, antennae, partly pronotum, as well as venter and legs covered by similar, but sparser setae; head, partly antennae, pronotum on sides at apex, elytra, venter and, partly, legs with more or less long, sparse, on elytra mainly more robust and partly yellowish, erect or suberect, light setae.

Remarks. Based on some of the entries in Waterstradtʼs diaries which were published in Barlow’s work [1969], the above specimen, as well as some other specimens of Clytellus bearing the same label (see below) could have been collected either in 1899 (most likely) or somewhat later, in 1902.

In the holotype, both eyes are strongly damaged.

Etymology. The new species is named in the memory of the famous Danish naturalist, Johannes (John) Waterstradt (1869–1944) who, in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, made remarkable collections of various insects in the Oriental region, including some Clytellus in Brunei which are described in this paper.

Clytellus hefferni Miroshnikov, sp. n.

(Color plate 5: 4–6)

Material. Holotype, (cDH): E Malaysia, Sabah, Trus Madi Mt., 5°33N / 116°31E, 17.03.2003 (local collector “Addle”).

Diagnosis. The new species somewhat resembles

C. shibatai Hayashi, 1977, but differs very clearly in the structure of the elytra, including their more strongly elongated shape (at least so in the male), their being clearly less strongly elevated at the base on the disk, the more sparse and partially less coarse puncturation in the basal part, the absence of a fascia of microsculpture or any fragments thereof with a similar surface in the basal one- third, the presence of dense, recumbent, white setae at the apex, as well as by the less numerous coarse punctures on the prosternum of the male and the coloration of the femora.

Description. Male. Body length 5.45 mm, humeral width

1.35 mm. Black; antennae, legs and sternites almost entirely dark brown, partly with a reddish tint; dorsum shiny, pronotum with a more slight shine; elytra with a clear, metallic, mostly greenish lustre.

Head with a barely convex frons; antennomere 2, 1.42 times as long as isthmus between antennal cavities; antennae freely reaching apical one-quarter of elytra; antennomere 1, 1.37 times as long as 3rd, 1.08 times as long as 4th or 6th, barely longer than antennomere 5; antennomere 2, 1.53 times as long as wide; last antennomere 1.84 times as long as penultimate one.

Pronotum 1.69 times as long as wide at apex, 2.18 times as long as width at base; apex 1.29 times as broad as base, the very base 1.21 times as broad as constriction in front of base; apical one-third with a sharp constriction; moderately convex; area of constriction in front of base with longitudinal grooves, these being more sharp and longer predominantly on sides; longitudinal groove at bottom of this constriction sharply expressed; remaining

Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1 Color plate 5.


Figs 1–6. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

1–3 – C. waterstradti sp. n., female, holotype; 4–6 – C. hefferni sp. n., male, holotype. 1, 4 – habitus, dorsral view; 2 – head and pronotum, lateral view; 3 – labels; 5 – pro- and mesosterna; 6 – habitus, lateral view.

Рис. 1–6. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

1–3 – C. waterstradti sp. n., самка, голотип; 4–6 – C. hefferni sp. n., самец, голотип; 1, 4 – общий вид сверху; 2 – голова и переднеспинка сбоку; 3 – этикетки; 5 – простернум и мезостернум; 6 – общий вид сбоку.

Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1 371

surface almost smooth, only with individual punctures, clearest ones both at apex and base.

Elytra 2.57 times as long as wide at humeral width; widest in apical half subequal to humeral width; each elytron moderately tuberculiform elevated at base, also showing a keel-shaped, well- expressed, longitudinal, narrow elevation dorsally covered by microsculpture creating a scabrous texture; a sharp depression before middle, visibly, but not too strongly convex behind; basal part on disk with coarse, deep, sparse, oblong-oval punctures partly forming a longitudinal row along suture on each side; in area of depression dorsally with individual, coarsest, partly confluent punctures in the form of longitudinal, short groove, while on sides between level of posterior margin of keel-shaped of elevation and posterior part of depression with 5–6 coarse, partly confluent punctures, forming long, longitudinal, backwards sloping groove; in apical half with a sparse, small, partly very weak puncturation.

Prosternum in apical half with 7–9 coarse or very coarse, heterogeneous, deep punctures on either side of midline; its profile in apical part very clearly curved (Color plate 5: 6); prosternal process at apex slightly wider than between procoxae; mesosternal process noticeably narrower than prosternal process between coxae (Color plate 5: 5); metepisterna at apex with a well-visible denticle; 1st (visible) sternite 1.3 times as long as all following (visible) sternites combined.

Last tarsomere with 2 claws not fused at base.

Setation mainly as follows: frons, partly scutellum, apex of elytra, partly prosternum (in the form of a peculiar pattern, as in Color plate 5: 5), almost entire mesosternum and 1st (visible) sternite, completely metasternum and mostly mesocoxae clothed with more or less dense, recumbent, white setae with silver tint; head, except for frons, antennae, pronotum partly and legs clothed with similar, but sparser setae; head, partly antennae and pronotum, elytra almost over the entire length, venter and, partly, legs covered by more or less long, sparse, on elytra more robust and yellowish, erect or suberect, light setae.

Remarks. The holotype lacks the left antennomeres 9–11 and left middle leg.

Etymology. The new species honours my colleague, Dr. Daniel J. Heffern (Houston, USA), who kindly provided several very valuable specimens for study.

Clytellus periculosus Miroshnikov, sp. n.

(Color plate 6: 7, 8, 11; Fig. 18)

Material. Holotype, (USNM): “Brunei, Waterstradt”, “Tippmann Coll.ʼ57 213112” (Color plate 6: 8) (see also Remarks to C. waterstradti sp. n.).

Diagnosis. The new species seems to be especially similar to C. tatianae Miroshnikov, 2014 (Color plate 6: 9, 10, 12; Figs 19, 20), but differs clearly in the special sculpture and setation of the elytra, particularly, the much coarser puncturation in the basal part, the generally longer, coarse, erect setae (which are especially noticeable on the disk of the base), as well as by the clearly less convex pronotum with less sharp and shorter longitudinal grooves in the area of constriction in front of the base, the distinctly longer antennae and the evidently peculiar sculpture of the prosternum at least in the male. Clytellus periculosus sp. n. can also be compared to C. viridipennis Hayashi, 1977, but differs at least by the absence of an apical elytral fascia of dense, recumbent, white setae, the somewhat special structure of the pronotum in the apical one-third, the absence of well-expressed areas of microsculpture in the subsutural part of the basal one-third of the elytra.

Description. Male. Body length 4.05 mm, humeral width

1.1 mm. Black; antennae, legs and, partly, sternites dark reddish-

brown, tarsi lighter; elytra at apex reddish; dorsum almost entirely shiny; elytra with a clear, metallic, greenish-blue lustre.

Head with a barely convex frons; antennomere 2, 1.56 times as long as isthmus between antennal cavities; antennae reaching apical one-fifth of elytra; antennomere 1, 1.26, 1.18, 1.14 or

1.12 times as long as 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, respectively; antennomere 2,

1.53 times as long as wide; last antennomere 1.62 times as long as penultimate one.

Pronotum 1.72 times as long as wide at apex, 2.13 times as long as width at base; apex 1.24 times as broad as base, the very base 1.2 times as broad as constriction in front of base; moderately convex; disk with a longitudinal, more or less oval, dull spot of microsculpture; before apex with a clear constriction; area of constriction in front of base with longitudinal grooves, these being more sharp and longer mainly on sides; longitudinal groove at bottom of this constriction clearly expressed; remaining surface with individual very small, partly unclear punctures.

Elytra 2.3 times as long as wide at humeral width, in apical half barely narrower than humeral width; a strong depression before middle, surface behind weakly convex; basal half of disk with coarse to very coarse, heterogeneous, oblong-oval punctures, some of which surrounded partly or almost completely by a clear microsculpture, while on either side, partly in area of depression, with 5 coarse, somewhat heterogeneous, oblong-oval, coalescing or poorly separated punctures forming longitudinal, long groove; apical half only with individual, small punctures.

Prosternum almost entirely with an obliterated sculpture, in apical half only with a single, very gentle, weakly visible puncture on either side of midline (Fig. 18); profile of prosternum almost straight (Color plate 6: 11); prosternal process at apex slightly wider than between procoxae; mesosternal process noticeably narrower than prosternal process between coxae; metepisterna at apex with a very well-developed denticle; 1st (visible) sternite 1.53 times as long as all following (visible) sternites combined.

Last tarsomere with 2 claws not fused at base.

Setation mainly as follows: frons, base of pronotum in the form of a very well-developed fascia (Color plate 6: 7, 11), scutellum, prosternum partly, mesosternum mostly, metasternum almost completely, 1st (visible) sternite mostly, as well as legs partly clothed with more or less dense, recumbent, white setae with silver tint; head, antennae, partly pronotum, as well as venter and legs clothed with similar, but sparser setae; head, partly antennae and pronotum, elytra almost over the entire length, venter and, partly, legs covered by more or less long, sparse, on elytra more robust and partly yellowish, erect or suberect, light setae.

Remarks. The holotype are strongly damaged on the disk of the apical part of the elytra, as well as it lacks both the right middle and left posterior tarsi.

Etymology. The name of the new species derives from Latin and means “dangerous, perilous”. It is not associated with the morphological or biological features of the insect

itself, instead being directly related to a dangerous incident that happened in 1899 in Brunei to the collector of the holotype, the famous naturalist Johannes Waterstradt (see above). Sometimes he risked his own life and it was in Brunei exactly during that year when he experienced an assassination attempt he noted in his diaries [Barlow, 1969].

Clytellus jenisi Miroshnikov, sp. n.

(Fig. 17; Color plate 7: 21)

Material. Holotype, (cLD): E Malaysia, Sabah, Bajnaran Maitland, Sapulut, 4°42N / 116°29E, 22–24.05.1995 (leg. Ivo Jenis).

Diagnosis. The new species seems to be especially similar to C. tatianae (Color plate 6: 9, 10, 12; Figs 19, 20), but differs clearly in the structure of the elytra, particularly,

Color plate 6. Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1


Figs 7–12. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

7, 8, 11 – C. periculosus sp. n., male, holotype; 9, 10, 12 – C. tatianae Miroshnikov, 2014, male (USNM). 7, 9 – habitus, dorsral view; 8, 10 – labels;

11, 12 – habitus, lateral view.

Рис. 7–12. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

7, 8, 11 – C. periculosus sp. n., самец, голотип; 9, 10, 12 – C. tatianae Miroshnikov, 2014, самец (USNM). 7, 9 – общий вид сверху; 8, 10 – этикетки;

11, 12 – общий вид сбоку.

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Figs 13–20. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

13, 15 – C. waterstradti sp. n., female, holotype; 14, 16 – C. vivesi Miroshnikov, 2014, female, holotype; 17 – C. jenisi sp. n., female, holotype, head and pronotum, lateral view; 18 – C. periculosus sp. n., male, holotype; 19, 20 – C. tatianae Miroshnikov, 2014, males (USNM and cAM, respectively). 13, 14 – pronotum; 15, 16 – apical part of elytra; 18–20 – prosternum.

Рис. 13–20. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

13, 15 – C. waterstradti sp. n., самка, голотип; 14, 16 – C. vivesi Miroshnikov, 2014, самка, голотип; 17 – C. jenisi sp. n., самка, голотип, голова и переднеспинка сбоку; 18 – C. periculosus sp. n., самец, голотип; 19, 20 – C. tatianae Miroshnikov, 2014, самцы (USNM и cAM соответственно). 13, 14 – переднеспинка; 15, 16 – вершинная часть надкрылий; 18–20 – простернум.

Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1 373

their more strongly elongated shape with an apical one- third more strongly narrowed towards the apex, partly the more coarse puncturation in the basal half, the seemingly more numerous, erect, coarse, light setae in the apical half, as well as by the structure of the pronotum particularly, the generally its special shape, the more or less uniform sculpture on the disk (without a clear dull median spot of microsculpture). Clytellus jenisi sp. n. can also be compared to C. periculosus sp. n. (Color plate 6: 7, 8, 11; Fig. 18), but differs clearly at least in the structure of the elytra, namely, their sharp, much less coarse puncturation in the basal part, the more numerous erect setae in the apical part, as well as by the structure of the pronotum, including its shape in the apical one-third, and the disk sculpture (the absence of a clear dull median spot of microsculpture).

Description. Female. Body length 5.1 mm, humeral width

    1. mm. Black; antennae, partly legs and sternites dark reddish- brown; tarsi partly lighter; elytra reddish at apex; dorsum almost entirely shiny; elytra with a clear, metallic, greenish-blue lustre.

      Head with a flat frons; antennomere 2, 1.1 times as long as isthmus between antennal cavities; antennae extended barely behind middle of elytra; antennomere 1, 1.4, 1.22, 1.15 or 1.19 times as long as 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, respectively; antennomere 2, 1.62 times as long as wide; last antennomere 1.7 times as long as penultimate one.

      Pronotum 1.78 times as long as wide at apex, 2.34 times as long as width at base; apex 1.32 times as broad as base, the very base

    2. times as broad as constriction in front of base; strongly convex; area of constriction in front of base with coarse, longitudinal grooves very sharp both on sides and, partly, dorsally; longitudinal groove at bottom of this constriction sharply expressed; remaining surface almost smooth, only with individual, small, partly unclear punctures.

Elytra 2.66 times as long as wide at humeral width, in apical half 1.14 times as broad as humeral width; a strong depression before middle, a moderately convex surface behind; basal part with coarse to very coarse, mostly oblong-oval, heterogeneous, partly confluent in area of depression punctures, as well as on sides with a longitudinal, long, sharply expressed groove formed by coarse or rough, oblong-oval, coalescing or poorly separated punctures; apical part with small punctures forming on each elytron more or less clear, longitudinal, long rows.

Prosternum with an obliterated sculpture; its profile slightly curved in apical part (Fig. 17); prosternal process at apex about as wide as between procoxae; mesosternal process barely narrower than prosternal process between coxae; metepisterna with a barely visible denticle at their apex; 1st (visible) sternite 1.23 times as long as all following (visible) sternites combined.

Last tarsomere with 2 claws not fused at base.

Setation mainly as follows: base of pronotum in the form of a very well-developed fascia (Color plate 7: 21), partly pro- and mesosterna, almost completely both metasternum and 1st (visible) sternite clothed with more or less dense, recumbent, white setae; head, antennae, partly pronotum, venter and legs clothed with similar, but sparser setae; head, partly antennae, pronotum, elytra, venter and, partly, legs covered by more or less long, sparse, on elytra mainly more robust and more numerous in their apical part, erect or suberect, light setae.

Etymology. The new species honours of Mr. Ivo Jeniš (Náklo, Czech Republic), a good collector of Oriental Cerambycidae who took the holotype.

Clytellus javanus Miroshnikov, sp. n.

(Color plate 7: 22–25; Figs 37, 39)

Material. Holotype, (MNHN): “[Indonesia] Java, Mts Djampang”

(= Gunung Jampang; ~7°18S / 107°37E), “Muséum Paris 1952 coll

R. Oberthur” (Fig. 24).

Diagnosis. The new species is very similar to C. mononychus Holzschuh, 2003 (Fig. 38) and

C. perhentianus Miroshnikov, 2014, but differs from both by the sculpture of the basal part of the elytra, in particular, the clearly more strongly developed crest-shaped tubercle at the base of each elytron, between both of which a wide depression is clearly visible on the disk of the elytra, as well as by two longitudinal rows of coarse, denser, partly confluent, oblong-oval punctures on the sides, both rows being significantly better expressed and more proximate to the base of the elytra, while the latter on the disk seem to be more convex in the apical part behind the depression. In addition, C. javanus sp. n. differs from C. mononychus by the noticeably more convex pronotum and the less convex eyes, from C. perhentianus by a peculiar shape of the antennal tubercles which resembles that in C. mononychus. The new species can also be compared to the third one- clawed species, C. makarovi Miroshnikov, 2014, but differs clearly at least in the structure of the elytra in the depression area which reminds of that in C. mononychus and C. perhentianus, as well as by the sculpture of the basal part of the elytra as described above.

Description. Female. Body length 4.7 mm, humeral width

1.1 mm. Black; basal antennomeres and mostly legs dark reddish- brown; tarsi partly lighter; apex of elytra and epipleura in apical part reddish; dorsum almost entirely shiny; elytra with metallic bluish lustre with greenish-cupreous tint in area of depression.

Head with a barely convex frons; antennomere 2, 1.23 times as long as isthmus between antennal cavities; antennae freely reaching the apical one-third of elytra; antennomere 1, 1.25 times as long as 3rd, 1.11 times as long as 4th or 6th, barely longer than antennomere 5; antennomere 2, 1.5 times as long as wide; last antennomere 1.79 times as long as penultimate one.

Pronotum 1.59 times as long as wide at apex, 2.36 times as long as width at base; apex 1.48 times as broad as base, the very base 1.21 times as broad as constriction in front of base; very strongly convex; apical one-third with a barely visible constriction; disk with a longitudinal, keel-shaped, well-developed tubercle; area of constriction in front of base with clear, but gentle, longitudinal, short grooves on sides; longitudinal groove at bottom of this constriction well-expressed; remaining surface almost smooth, only with individual, small, partly unclear punctures.

Elytra 2.74 times as long as wide at humeral width, in apical half 1.11 times as broad as humeral width; a sharp depression before middle, thereby surface of each elytron, starting almost from suture, abruptly sloping down towards lateral margin; surface behind depression clearly convex; each elytron at base with a well-expressed, longitudinal, crest-shaped tubercle (somewhat remindingofthatof C. kiyoyamai Hayashi, 1977) dorsallycoveredby microsculpture creating a scabrous texture (Color plate 7: 23, 25); basal part on disk with coarse or rough, heterogeneous punctures, on sides, including area of depression, with two longitudinal, long rows of coarse or rough, partly confluent, oblong-oval punctures.

Prosternum with an obliterated sculpture; its profile straight (Color plate 7: 25); prosternal process at apex noticeably narrower than between procoxae; mesosternal process considerably narrower than prosternal process between coxae; metepisterna at apex with a poorly noticeable denticle; 1st (visible) sternite

1.65 times as long as all subsequent (visible) sternites combined. Last tarsomere with 1 claw.

Setation mainly as follows: base of pronotum in the form of a well-developed fascia (Color plate 7: 22, 25), apex of elytra, partly prosternum, most of mesosternum, almost complete metasternum and 1st (visible) sternite, as well as partly legs clothed with more or

Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1 Color plate 7.


Figs 21–25. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

21 – C. jenisi sp. n., female, holotype; 22–25 – C. javanus sp. n., female, holotype. 21, 22 – habitus, dorsral view; 23 – elytra, dorsolateral view; 24 – labels; 25 – habitus, lateral view.

Рис. 21–25. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

21 – C. jenisi sp. n., самка, голотип; 22–25 – C. javanus sp. n., самка, голотип. 21, 22 – общий вид сверху; 23 – надкрылья сверху и сбоку; 24 – этикетки; 25 – общий вид сбоку.

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less dense, recumbent, white setae mostly with silver tint; head, antennae, partly pronotum, as well as venter and legs covered by similar, but sparser setae; head, partly antennae, pronotum on sides at apex, elytra, venter and, partly, legs with more or less long, sparse, on elytra mainly more robust, erect or suberect, light setae.

Remarks. The taxonomic status of this new form, like that of the earlier described C. perhentianus, cannot be considered as definitive pending the results of a study of a sufficiently representative material of one-clawed Clytellus coming from various localities.

The holotype lacks the left antennomeres 9–11 and right last metatarsomere.

Etymology. The name of the new species is derived from Java, Indonesia, the terra typica.

Clytellus lingafelteri Miroshnikov, sp. n.

(Color plate 8: 26, 27, 30, 31; Figs 33, 34)

Material. Holotype, (USNM) (Color plate 8: 26): “[Philippines] Kolambugan [8°06N / 123°54E], Mindanao, Baker”, “18729” (Color plate 8: 27). Paratypes: 1(USNM), “[Philippines] Dapitan [8°37N / 123°23E], Mindanao, Baker”, “18733”, “36”, “Clytellus, Auriv”; 1(cAM ex USNM), “[Philippines] Island of Basilan, Baker” ~6°34N / 122°02E; 1(USNM) (Fig. 33), “[Philippines] Zamboanga [~8°00N / 123°10E], Mindanao, Baker” (Fig. 34); 1(USNM), “Sandakan [5°50N / 118°07E], Borneo, Baker”, “18728”, “34”, “Clytellus westwoodi Pasc. [misidentification] Auriv”; 1(cAM ex USNM), “[Philippines] Davao [7°11N / 125°27E], Mindanao, Baker”, “18729”, “37”; 1(cTT), Philippines, Mindanao, Bukidnon, Cabanglasan, 8°04N / 125°19E , 07.2014 (native collector); 1(cTT), Mindanao, Davao del Sur, Malita, 6°24N / 125°36E, 05.2015 (native collector).

Diagnosis. The new species seems to be especially similar to C. fulgidus Holzschuh, 1991 and C. kubani Miroshnikov, 2014, but differs clearly from both by the less strongly developed fascia of dense, recumbent, white setae at the base of the pronotum dorsally, the more or less rounded sutural angle of the elytral apex, the generally less clear puncturation in the basal one-third of the elytra, the sculpture of the prosternum of the male, in particular, the clearly more abundant coarse punctures. In addition, C. lingafelteri sp. n. differs from C. fulgidus by the more strongly elongated and less strongly shiny elytra, from C. kubani, in contrast, it is distinguished by the less strongly elongated elytra and shorter longitudinal grooves in the depression area on their lateral sides. The new species can also be compared to another new species,

C. sarawakiensis sp. n., but differs at least in the structure of the male, in particular, the sculpture of the prosternum, the shape of the apical part of the elytra (see below both the diagnosis and Remarks to C. sarawakiensis sp. n.).

Description. Body length 3.85–5 mm, humeral width

0.95–1.2 mm (see Remarks); male body size on average smaller. Black; antennae and legs partly or mostly, mesosternum and apical (visible) sternites partly dark reddish-brown; tarsi lighter; elytra reddish at apex; femora can be darkish red; dorsum almost entirely shiny; elytra with a clear, metallic, usually mostly blue or greenish- blue lustre with or without greenish-cupreous tint, predominantly so in area of depression.

Head with a barely convex or flat frons; antennomere 2, 1.23–1.37 times as long as isthmus between antennal cavities; antennae usually reaching the apical one-fifth of elytra in male (see Remarks), almost or freely reaching the apical one-third of elytra in female; length ratio of at least basal antennomeres, as well as length to width ratio of antennomere 2 in both sexes (male / female) somewhat different: antennomere 1, 1.23–1.24 / 1.27–

1.4, 1.13–1.17 / 1.2–1.26, 1.06–1.08 / 1.13–1.21 or 1.13–1.17 /

1.17–1.31 times as long as 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, respectively, while antennomere 2, 1.5–1.53 / 1.56–1.7 times as long as wide; last antennomere 1.64–1.92 times as long as penultimate one.

Pronotum 1.65–1.75 times as long as wide at apex, 2.19–

2.36 times as long as width at base; apex 1.33–1.4 times as broad as base, the very base 1.16–1.26 times as broad as constriction in front of base; moderately convex; apical one-third with a barely visible constriction; smooth, only with individual, in places clear, small punctures; longitudinal groove at bottom of the constriction in front of base well-expressed.

Elytra 2.51–2.67 times as long as wide at humeral width, in apical half about equal to or 1.02–1.04 times as broad as humeral width; a sharp depression before middle, surface behind barely convex; basal one-third with individual, very small, poorly- visible punctures, clearer ones in apical part, and individual, rough punctures in the middle; area of depression on sides with two longitudinal, short grooves (but upper one shortest) formed by coarse or rough, oblong-oval, coalescing or poorly separated punctures; sutural apical angle clearly rounded, not sharpened.

Prosternum of male in apical half with 14–21 coarse, heterogeneous, in places confluent punctures on either side of midline (see Remarks); sculpture in female obliterated; profile of prosternum straight; prosternal process at apex about as wide as or slightly narrower than between procoxae; mesosternal process considerably or clearly narrower than prosternal process between coxae; metepisterna at apex with a well-visible denticle; 1st (visible) sternite 1.43–1.75 times as long as all following (visible) sternites combined.

Last tarsomere with 2 claws not fused at base.

Setation mainly as follows: base of pronotum in the form of a well-developed, but very widely interrupted on disk fascia (Color plate 8: 26; Fig. 33), apex of elytra, partly prosternum (in male in the form of a peculiar pattern, Color plate 8: 30, 31), mostly mesosternum, almost completely both metasternum and 1st (visible) sternite clothed with more or less dense, recumbent, white setae; head, antennae, partly pronotum, venter and legs clothed with similar, but sparser setae; head, partly antennae, pronotum, elytra, venter and, partly, legs covered by more or less long, sparse, on elytra mainly more robust, erect or suberect, light setae.

Remarks. One of the males (from Dapitan) is morphologically somewhat peculiar, obviously a partly deformed specimen. It is characterized by the following features: body length 3.7 mm, humeral width 0.9 mm, i.e. the smallest; antennae, legs and, partly, venter clearly lighter than in the other males and females; antennae noticeably not reaching the apical one-quarter of elytra, i.e. shorter than in the other 3 males; antennomere 1, 1.51, 1.31, 1.31 or 1.32 times as long as 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, respectively, while antennomere 2, 1.29 times as long as wide; prosternum with 12 coarse, heterogeneous, in places confluent punctures on either side of midline.

Etymology. The new species honours my colleague, Dr. Steven W. Lingafelter (Systematic Entomology

Laboratory, PSI, ARS, USDA and National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA.), who kindly provided an abundant and very valuable material for study.

Clytellus sarawakiensis Miroshnikov, sp. n.

(Color plate 8: 28, 29, 32)

Material. Holotype, (USNM): “[Malaysia] Sarawak, Clytellus westwoodi”, “Tippmann Coll.ʼ57 213112” (Fig. 29).

Diagnosis. The new species is very similar to

C. lingafelteri sp. n. (Color plate 8: 26, 27, 30, 31;

Color plate 8. Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1


Figs 26–32. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

26, 27, 30 – C. lingafelteri sp. n., male, holotype; 28, 29, 32 – C. sarawakiensis sp. n., male, holotype; 31 – C. lingafelteri sp. n., male, paratype (cAM).

26, 28 – habitus; 27, 29 – labels; 30–32 – prosternum.

Рис. 26–32. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

26, 27, 30 – C. lingafelteri sp. n., самец, голотип; 28, 29, 32 – C. sarawakiensis sp. n., самец, голотип; 31 – C. lingafelteri sp. n., самец, паратип (cAM).

26, 28 – общий вид; 27, 29 – этикетки; 30–32 – простернум.

Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1 375

Figs 33, 34), but differs in some characters of the male, namely, the clearly less numerous coarse punctures and the distinctly peculiar pattern of recumbent, white setae on the prosternum, the noticeably narrower apical one- third of the elytra. Clytellus sarawakiensis sp. n. can also be compared to C. fulgidus and C. kubani, but differs from both, from C. lingafelteri sp. n., in the structure of the fascia of dense, recumbent, white setae at the base of the pronotum dorsally, the shape of the sutural angle of the elytral apex, the generally less distinct puncturation in the basal one-third of the elytra, from C. fulgidus by the more strongly elongated and less strongly shiny elytra, from C. kubani by the less strongly elongated elytra and the shorter longitudinal grooves in the depression area on their lateral sides.

Description. Male. Body length 4.05 mm, humeral width

0.95 mm. Black; antennae, legs, prosternum in basal half and mesosternum mostly, 1st (visible) sternite dark reddish-brown; tarsi and subsequent (visible) sternites partly lighter; elytra reddish at apex; dorsum almost entirely shiny; elytra with a clear, metallic, mostly blue lustre with greenish-cupreous tint, predominantly so in area of depression.

Head with a barely convex frons; antennomere 2, 1.44 times as long as isthmus between antennal cavities; antennae almost reaching the apical one-quarter of elytra; antennomere 1, 1.26, 1.15, 1.09 or 1.1 times as long as 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, respectively; antennomere 2, 1.44 times as long as wide; last antennomere

1.89 times as long as penultimate one.

Pronotum 1.71 times as long as wide at apex, 2.46 times as long as width at base; apex 1.43 times as broad as base, the very base 1.14 times as broad as constriction in front of base; moderately convex; apical one-third with a barely visible constriction; smooth, only with individual, in places clear, small punctures; longitudinal groove at bottom of the constriction in front of base well-expressed.

Elytra 2.71 times as long as wide at humeral width, in apical half barely narrower than humeral width; a sharp depression before middle, surface behind very weakly convex; basal one- third with individual, very small, poorly-visible punctures, clearer ones in apical part, and individual, rough punctures in the middle; area of depression on sides with two longitudinal, short grooves (but upper one shortest) formed by coarse or rough, oblong-oval, coalescing or poorly separated punctures; sutural apical angle clearly rounded, not sharpened.

Prosternum in apical half with 6–7 coarse, heterogeneous, in places confluent punctures on either side of midline (Color plate 8: 32); its profile almost straight, even slightly convex; prosternal process at apex barely wider than between procoxae; mesosternal process considerably narrower than prosternal process between coxae; metepisterna at apex with a well-visible denticle; 1st (visible) sternite 1.41 times as long as all following (visible) sternites combined.

Last tarsomere with 2 claws not fused at base.

Setation mainly as follows: base of pronotum in the form of a well-developed, but very widely interrupted on disk fascia (Color plate 8: 28), apex of elytra, prosternum in the form of a peculiar pattern (Color plate 8: 32), mostly mesosternum, almost completely both metasternum and 1st (visible) sternite clothed with more or less dense, recumbent, white setae; head, antennae, partly pronotum, venter and legs clothed with similar, but sparser setae; head, partly antennae, pronotum, elytra, venter and, partly, legs covered by more or less long, sparse, on elytra mainly more robust, erect or suberect, light setae.

Remarks. I have been privileged to examine 1 female (Fig. 35), 5.05 mm in body length, from an old material coming from North Sumatra (“N.O. Sumatra, Tebing- tinggi, Dr. Schultheiss”, “Halme formicaria Nonfr.”, the

other labels see in Fig. 36), now kept in the SDEI collection. Geographically, it is the closest to C. sarawakiensis sp. n., but its species identity remains obscure. At least I have failed to spot any stable differences between the Sumatran female and as many as 4 females of C. lingafelteri sp. n. Nonetheless, it seems noteworthy that its locality (3°19′43″N / 99°945E) is yet the northernmost for the genus in Sumatra.

It is quite obvious that C. fulgidus, C. kubani,

C. lingafelteri sp. n., C. sarawakiensis sp. n. and probably some other, still undescribed species are all very similar. The Sumatran female may well prove to belong to one of such. They all form a single, taxonomically complex group of species which, like the group of one-clawed congeners (see below), requires a thorough study in the future.

Etymology. The name of the new species is derived from Sarawak, Malaysia, the terra typica.

Clytellus tatianae Miroshnikov, 2014 (Color plate 6: 9, 10, 12; Figs 19, 20)

Material. 2(USNM), “Brunei, Waterstradt”, “Tippmann Coll.ʼ57 213112” (Color plate 6: 10); 1(cAM ex USNM), same labels (see also Remarks to C. waterstradti sp. n.).

Remarks. This species was described from a single female. Male features are given here for the first time (some pictures see also in Miroshnikov, Tichý [2015]).

Description of the male. Closely resembles a female. Body length 4.15–4.4 mm, humeral width 1.05–1.1 mm. Body slightly

slenderer than in female.

Antennae freely reaching behind inside apical one-third of elytra or at least freely reaching it.

Pronotum 1.7–1.82 times as long as wide at apex, 2.1–

2.22 times as long as width at base; strongly convex like in female.

Elytra barely less elongated than in female, 2.38–2.43 times as long as wide at humeral width; in apical part noticeably narrower than in female; with a sculpture like in female.

Prosternum in apical half with 6–7 coarse, heterogeneous, deep punctures on either side of midline (Figs 19, 20), predominantly with unclear microsculpture in-between punctures; profile of prosternum in its apical part barely or slightly curved (Color plate 6: 12); prosternal process at apex clearly wider than between procoxae; mesosternal process noticeably or clearly narrower than prosternal process between coxae; 1st (visible) sternite 1.4–1.58 times as long as all following (visible) sternites combined.

Fascia of dense, recumbent, light setae at base of pronotum can be slightly more developed than in female (Color plate 6: 9); setation of prosternum in the form of a peculiar pattern as in Figs 19, 20.

Distribution. Until now, this species was known only from Western Malaysia. Above is the first report from Brunei.

Clytellus monilis Holzschuh, 2011 (Figs 40–44)

Material. 1♂ (cDH), E Malaysia, Sabah, Trus Madi Mt., 7.04.2003 (local collector “Jackson”); 1(cAM ex cDH), E Malaysia, Sabah, Crocker Range, 5°45N / 116°29E, 6.04.2006 (unknown collector).

Remarks. This species was described from a single female. Male features are given here for the first time.

Description of the male. Closely resembles a female. Body length 5.45–6.2 mm, humeral width 1.4–1.6 mm. One of males

(from Crocker Range, Fig. 41) colored like in holotype female,

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while elytra of other male (from Trus Madi Mt, Fig. 40) only shiny, without greenish-cupreous lustre.

Antennae slightly not reaching the apical one-third of elytra. Pronotum 1.59–1.63 times as long as wide at apex, 2.17–

2.26 times as long as width at base; like in female, very strongly convex, with a well-developed oblong-oval tubercle covered by a very clear microsculpture, but, unlike female, clearly less strongly expressed at posterior margin (Fig. 42).

Elytra barely less elongated than in female, 2.26–2.31 times as long as wide at humeral width; with a sculpture like in female.

Prosternum in apical half with abundant, coarse, deep punctures (Figs 43, 44), in-between a clear cellular microsculpture with several more or less clear rows of cells around most of punctures; profile of prosternum in apical part without evident curve (Fig. 42); prosternal process at apex noticeably or considerably wider than between procoxae; mesosternal process clearly or much (Fig. 44) narrower than prosternal process between coxae; 1st (visible) sternite 1.44–1.45 times as long as all following (visible) sternites combined.

Unlike female, fascia of dense, recumbent, light setae at base of pronotum narrower, especially laterally; setation of prosternum in the form of a peculiar pattern as in Figs 43, 44.

Distribution. Eastern Malaysia: Sabah.

Clytellus malayanus Hayashi, 1977 (Figs 45, 46, 48, 49)

Material. 1(cDH), E Malaysia, Sabah, Sipitang, 5°5N / 115°33E, 8.03.2009 (unknown collector); 1(USNM), “Java, Sbr.[? gbr.] [name unclear] Asin, 06.1920, Drescher”, “Tippmann Coll.ʼ57 213112” (Fig. 46).

Remarks. Based on the material studied, C. malayanus is being recorded here in Java Island for the first time. This represents the southernmost locality not only for this species, but also, together with that of C. javanus sp. n., the southernmost range limit of the entire genus. The above record of C. malayanus in Borneo confirms the previous information about its presence on that island [Makihara, 1999], a record which I questioned earlier [Miroshnikov, 2014].

Clytellus methocoides Westwood, 1853

Material. 1(USNM), “Kiu-Kiang, China” (see Remarks), “Tippmann Coll.ʼ57 213112”, “Clytellus methocoides”; 1(USNM), “Hongkong”, “Tippmann Coll.ʼ57 213112”; 1(BM), “Clytellus methocoides West. [China] Hong Kong, Bowring”, “122, 22/3/54”, ”Bowr. Chevr. 63–47*”.

Remarks. Kiu-Kiang (= Kiukiang; = Kew Keang), now Jiujiang City (29°44N / 115°59E), as well as Jiangxi Province in general, provide a new formal record of C. methocoides in China, also representing the northernmost locality not only for this species, but also for the entire genus. This locality is quite remote from Hong Kong, north of which no reports of C. methocoides have hitherto been known [Miroshnikov, 2014].

All 3 studied males show a coloration typical of the Chinese populations described before [Miroshnikov, 2014].

Clytellus laosicus Gressitt et Rondon, 1970 (Figs 47, 50)

Material. Paratype, (USNM): “Laos, Borikhane Prov., Paksane, 14.02.[19]64”, “J.A. Rondon Collection Bishop Mus.”, “Paratype Clytellus laosicus Gressitt & Rondon” (Fig. 50).

Remarks. The current situation with the repositories holding some of the paratypes of this species, as well as the problem of species identity of certain paratypes, have

recently been addressed [Miroshnikov, 2014]. The paratype kept in the USNM collection (Fig. 47) shows no notable differences from the other males of C. laosicus from the type series, including the holotype.

According to the personal communication of Dr. James Boone, Entomology Collection Manager of the Bishop Museum, his repeated attempts at my request to relocate in the museum some more paratype material or to ascertain their location have failed.

Clytellus benguetanus Schultze, 1920 (Figs 51–61)

Material. Philippines: 1(MNHN), “C. [Cape] Engano [Palaui Island], N Luzon, Whitehead leg.”, “Muséum Paris 1952 coll R. Oberthur”; 1(USNM) (Fig. 51), “Bagio, Benguet, Baker”, “6745”, “35”, “Clytellus benguetanus Schultze” (Fig. 52); 1, 1(USNM), “Mt. Makiling, Luzon, Baker”; 1(USNM) (Fig. 57), “Island Sibuyan, Baker” (Fig. 58); 1(USNM) (Fig. 60), same label, but with “18732” (Fig. 61); 1(USNM), same label, but with “38”, “Clytellus, Auriv.”; 1(cAM ex USNM), same geographical label; 1(cAM ex USNM), “Butuan, Mindanao, Baker”; 1(USNM), same label, but with “18731”, “39”; 1(USNM), same geographical label, but with “18730”, “40”, “Clytellus, Auriv”; 1(USNM), same geographical label, but with “18731”; 1(USNM), “Surigao, Mindanao, Baker”; 1(cAM ex USNM) (Fig. 54), same label, but with “18730” (Fig. 55).

Remarks. A study of the above material, coupled with the results of my previous research [Miroshnikov, 2014], allowed for some morphological features of certain individual populations of C. benguetanus to be revealed. Thus, 2 females from the northern areas of Luzon (Cape Engano, 18°34N / 122°08E; Balbalan, 17°26N / 121°12E), 2 males (including the holotype) and 2 females from the central part of Luzon (Benguet, Bagio, 16°25N / 120°36E), 2 males and 5 females from Mindanao (Surigao, 9°45N / 125°30E; Butuan, 8°56N / 125°32E; Bukidnon, Impasung- ong, 8°25N / 125°07E) are all characterized by the following features common for the species in general: body length 5.05–6.15 mm, humeral width 1.2–1.45 mm, thereby specimens from Mindanao on average somewhat larger, only there reaching the maximum size; pronotum 1.87–

1.97 times as long as wide at apex; prosternum of male with

21–28 coarse, heterogeneous, in places confluent punctures on either side of midline (Fig. 56); more or less evidently red tones in coloration of legs and antennae if present, then very limited and best expressed mainly on tarsi, as a rule. Based on the above features, 1 male and 3 females from Sibuyan Island (Romblon Province, ~12°25N / 122°34E) (Figs 57–61) differ noticeably from the mainstream specimens, being characterized as follows: body length 4.2–4.55 mm, humeral width 0.95–1.05 mm; pronotum 1.7–1.75 times as long as wide at apex; prosternum of the single available male with only 12 coarse, heterogeneous, in places confluent punctures on either side of midline (Fig. 59); basal parts of femora, entire tibiae and tarsi, and at least most of antennae brownish-red or red tones with a slightly darker general coloration of antennae. However, the morphological peculiarities of the Sibuyan form are partly upset by the characteristics shown by 1 male and 1 female from the south of Luzon (Makiling Mt.,14°08N / 121°11E): body length and humeral width of male, 4.65 mm and 1.1 mm, respectively, versus 5.4 mm and 1.25 mm, respectively, in female; pronotum 1.67–1.68 times as long as wide at apex; prosternum of male with 19–20 coarse, heterogeneous, in places confluent punctures on either side

Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1 377


Figs 33–39. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

33, 34 – C. lingafelteri sp. n., female, paratype (USNM); 35, 36 – Clytellus sp., female (Sumatra); 37, 39 – C. javanus sp. n., female, holotype; 38 – C. mononychus Holzschuh, 2003, female, paratype (W Malaysia, Pahang; cCH). 33, 35 – habitus, dorsral view; 34, 36 – labels; 37, 38 – head, frontal view; 39 – habitus, posterodorsal view.

Рис. 33–39. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

33, 34 – C. lingafelteri sp. n., самка, паратип (USNM); 35, 36 – Clytellus sp., самка (Суматра); 37, 39 – C. javanus sp. n., самка, голотип; 38 – C. mononychus Holzschuh, 2003, самка, паратип (W Malaysia, Pahang; cCH). 33, 35 – общий вид сверху; 34, 36 – этикетки; 37, 38 – голова спереди; 39 – общий вид сзади и сверху.

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Figs 40–44. Clytellus monilis Holzschuh, 2011.

40, 43 – male (Trus Madi Mt., Sabah, Malaysia); 41, 42, 44 – male (Crocker Range, Sabah, Malaysia). 40, 41 – habitus; 42 – head and pronotum, lateral view; 43 – prosternum; 44 – pro- and mesosterna.

Рис. 40–44. Clytellus monilis Holzschuh, 2011.

40, 43 – самец (Trus Madi Mt., Sabah, Malaysia); 41, 42, 44 – самец (Crocker Range, Sabah, Malaysia). 40, 41 – общий вид; 42 – голова и переднеспинка сбоку; 43 – простернум; 44 – простернум и мезостернум.

Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1 379


Figs 45–50. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

45, 46, 48 – C. malayanus Hayashi, 1977, male (Java); 47, 50 – C. laosicus Gressitt et Rondon, 1970, male, paratype (USNM); 49 – C. malayanus Hayashi, 1977, male (Malaysia, Sabah). 45, 47 – habitus; 46, 50 – labels; 48, 49 – prosternum.

Рис. 45–50. Clytellus Westwood, 1853.

45, 46, 48 – C. malayanus Hayashi, 1977, самец (Ява); 47, 50 – C. laosicus Gressitt et Rondon, 1970, самец, паратип (USNM); 49 – C. malayanus

Hayashi, 1977, самец (Малайзия, Сабах). 45, 47 – общий вид; 46, 50 – этикетки; 48, 49 – простернум.

380 A.I. Miroshnikov


Figs 51–61. Clytellus benguetanus Schultze, 1920 (Philippines).

51, 52 – female (Benguet, Luzon); 53 – male (Makiling Mt., Luzon); 54, 55 – female (Surigao, Mindanao); 56 – male (Butuan, Mindanao); 57–59 – male (Sibuyan Island, Romblon Province); 60, 61 – female (Sibuyan Island, Romblon Province). 51, 54, 57, 60 – habitus; 52, 55, 58, 61 – labels; 53, 56, 59 – prosternum.

Рис. 51–61. Clytellus benguetanus Schultze, 1920 (Филиппины).

51, 52 – самка (Benguet, Luzon); 53 – самец (Makiling Mt., Luzon); 54, 55 – самка (Surigao, Mindanao); 56 – самец (Butuan, Mindanao); 57–59 – самец (Sibuyan Island, Romblon Province); 60, 61 – самка (Sibuyan Island, Romblon Province). 51, 54, 57, 60 – общий вид; 52, 55, 58, 61 – этикетки;

53, 56, 59 – простернум.

Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 1 381

of midline (Fig. 53); coloration of legs and antennae of male partly resembling that of the Sibuyan form, but in general with a somewhat darker red tone, while female typically coloured, i.e. like the absolute majority of the specimens studied.

It is quite obvious that C. benguetanus is distributed almost all over the Philippine Archipelago, only being known from there. It shows considerable individual variations and is capable of forming local forms, as, for example, the one from Sibuyan Island. A detailed study of such forms, as generally the morphology of this species undoubtedly can be of significant interest in the future.

At the same time, judged from the above additional material, the degree of development of a fascia of dense, recumbent, white setae at the base of the pronotum fully corresponds to the previously described pattern [Miroshnikov, 2014], thus only emphasizing the reliability of the differences noted between C. benguetanus and

C. selebensis Gestro, 1877, in the structure of this fascia.


I am very grateful to Stephan M. Blank (SDEI), James H. Boone (BM), Thierry Deuve, Azadeh Taghavian and Gérard L. Tavakilian (MNHN), Steven W. Lingafelter (USNM) for the opportunity to study the museum material, to Luboš Dembický (Brno, Czech Republic), Daniel J. Heffern (Houston, USA), Carolus Holzschuh (Villach, Austria), Tomáš Tichý (Opava, Czech Republic) who have provided some specimens from their private collections. In addition, I would again like to express my sincere thanks to Steven W. Lingafelter for his kind permission to retain some material, including two paratypes of Clytellus lingafelteri sp. n., in my personal collection, as well as again to Daniel J. Heffern who also generously presented me with a specimen of C. monilis. I am deeply indebted to Kirill V. Makarov (Moscow Pedagogical State University, Russia) for having rendered

his great help in the preparation of all photographs, to Alexandr S. Konstantinov (Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, c/o Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA) and Alexey Yu. Solodovnikov (Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen) who helped a lot in my prompt receipt of the material for study, to Stéphane Boucher (Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France), Woo Kum Wah (Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), again to James H. Boone and Tomáš Tichý for having shared some valuable information, to Sree Gayathree Selvantharan (Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen) and again to Alexey Yu. Solodovnikov who have supplied with an electronic copy of Barlow’s 1969 paper about Johannes Waterstradt, as well as to Henry S. Barlow (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), who later sent me a hardcopy of his interesting work. Last but not least, to correct an indeliberate omission from the “Acknowledgments” section of my previous work [Miroshnikov, 2014], I would like to express my most hearty thanks to Johannes Bergsten (Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm) for having provided pictures of the specimens of Clytellus benguetanus under his care, used not only earlier, but also during the preparation of the present paper.


Barlow H.S. 1969. John Waterstradt 1869–1944. Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 42(2): 115–129.

Makihara H. 1999. Atlas of longicorn beetles, in Bukit Soeharto Education Forest, Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Pusrehut special publication No. 7. 140 p.

Miroshnikov A.I. 2014. A review of the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853, with notes on its systematic position and descriptions of eleven new species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). In: Advances in studies on Asian cerambycids (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Papers by Alexandr I. Miroshnikov, dedicated to the memory of Dr. Judson Linsley Gressitt. Krasnodar – Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd.: 133–237.

Miroshnikov A.I., Tichý T. 2015. Additions to reviewing the genus Clytellus Westwood, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 2. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin. 11(2): 383–384, Color plates 9–10.